First Time Again//Season 6

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"I know this sounds insane, but this is an insane world. We have to come for them before they can come for us. It's that simple. This is where it all starts tomorrow. Tobin gets in the truck, opens the exit and we're off. He hops out, catches up with his team at red staying on the west side of the road. Daryl gets on his bike--" Rick was telling us and a rumbling started.

"You see that?" Sasha asked and we all looked at the semi trailer falling into the quarry full of walkers.

"It's open! We got to do this now!" Rick yelled and everybody started running.

"Tobin's group, get moving, go!" Rick told them.

"No, Rick, we're not ready." One of the group members told him.

"Sasha! Abraham!" Rick yelled.

"Damn straight, we'll do it live." Abraham told him.

"You meet Daryl at red. Let him take them through the gauntlet." Rick told them. I couldn't stay any longer.

I hoped on my bike and Daryl tapped my shoulder. He did the signal and I turned on the engine.

"Love you!" He yelled at me through the noise.

"I love you, too!" I yelled at him before going.


"How'd you get here?" I asked Morgan.

"I was going to DC for you guys, I found the map at the church. I showed it to the biker at the fence and his face told me. That's why I'm here." Morgan told me and I nodded my head.

"I'm glad, bottom line." I told him.

"I thought Rick killed you when he was at home." Morgan told me.

"He told me what you were like. I understand. I'm sorry about Duane, Morgan." I told him.

"He talked about you, a lot after you left." Morgan told me and I smiled.

It didn't seem like he wanted to be hugged but he still pulled me into his arms.

I walked into the infirmary and Glenn was in a corner.

"Maggie, what happened?" I asked.

"Can you give him stitches? Gun shot." Maggie told me and I nodded my head. I started walking but then I nearly had a heart attack.

"Tara?!" I exclaimed and she smiled at me.

"I'm fine. Help Glenn. That's how this group is, right? We help the ones that need it. I'm also very flattered to hear that the queen was always visiting me." Tara said it and I was just so happy that she was okay that I let the comment slide.

"We were out there. The walkers and--we're all right. Got winged by a ricochet. It's all right." Glenn told Maggie and I looked at the wound.

"Holy shit." Eugene said and walked to Tara.

"Thank god...nothing happened to your hair." Tara said to Eugene and he just sat there smiling at her.

"Okay, Eugene's freaking me out. Somebody want to send Noah in here to protect me?" Tara asked and my smile fell. I grabbed her hand and looked at the ground. The others were looking at her.

Rick picked up the map and I silently picked around at my food. Daryl was eating just fine.

"You were right. It wasn't over." Morgan told Rick and he set the map back on the table.

Jessamine Dixon lives in the apocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now