The imperfect MC |Part 4|

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The wait is officially over. Welcome to the 4th installment of this series.

I need a life. 



I reach home and despite the fact that i studied less than 2 seconds at school, i have more homework than Lizzy's 3 semesters combined. But no worries! the teacher will fall in love with me and some greek-god like good guy will do all of this homework for me. Aegghhh!!! the struggles! Yo author, add the #relatable and #struggles in the hashtag corner!

With this problem aside i look out of the window and wow, it's evening already! Did i mention that the sun+moon are both fucked up where i am from? Damn, it's about time i eat something and start doing my assignments.

I roll my eyes 360 degree like Annabelle and while doing so i see that i have no brain in my empty skull. I am sooooooo special! #SpecIALnEEDS #SpecialMc

Within 3 seconds i fix myself a 3 course meal despite not having any cooking experience since i cannot wait for my mom to return from mars to make me something! And as for my dad, hopefully i'll meet him somewhere in the last chapter. #Parents #WhereAreYouNow? #AlexaPlayDespacito.


Panic erupts in my mind as i hear a sudden cracking sound penetrate the silence. I whip my head towards its source and gape at the sound that follows. A scream. As if a person stepped on a lego. I bolt towards the window and idiotically open it despite the time suddenly being 1 at night.

Before my eyes i see a greek-god like boy. Falling from the tree wasnt doing him  good as i see him moaning in pain. I pounce out of the window like  a deranged goat to his aid. Since im a super human i don't get hurt despite jumping from the same height as him. #FemaleEmpowerment 

Even though i would have considered chopping his balls and sending them to his parents for being a peeping tom; I didnt do that. Cuz how am i suppose to do that to a guy who is sooo damn HAWT~

I help him up and bring him in. The moment he steps inside my home his wounds disappear and now he no longer needs bandages and whatsoever. 

Now here comes that annoying paragraph in which the author doesnt describe anything. The author is too lazy to add an actual conversation, thus lets assume we both are having an awesome conversation and now we both are bestfriends + he is some guy from my school! Btw his name is Peter goodguyson.

peter, "I love you, blue pineapple!"

Me, "Yeah sure, babe."

Peter, "I'll do all of your homework."

Me " Yeet."

Peter "Do you love me back?"

His eyes shine with a tinge of hope like a seaturtle as he looks at my direction. His shit-brown hair decorates his orange-trump-like face as he fiddles with the hem of his shirt. Oh, and he wears glasses too. #Glasses #BlindPeeps #theAuthorIsSoInclusive

"I'm sorry babe.... but are a goodguy. According to the universe i have to end up with a guy whose attitude is down in the gutters, with a personality shittier than Lily singh's talk show, the one who probably has tonnes of STDs and prolly corona virus too and somebody who first harass the hell out of me." I spill the truth and see the shift of color on his face.

"Xavier." He mutters. 

"yep... but you can still do my homework." I smile to console him.

I see him pick up the assignment folders as he take out few tubs of chocolate ice cream from the frezzer and sits down to complete my assignments while crying. Also he is listening to "Without me" by halsey.

Shaking my head i check my phone and my eyes literally pop out of their sockets!

Britney Spears! My mean blonde bully waved at Xavier! 

I thought he was the love of my life! Dat bitch is tryna steal my man!!! Anger surge through my veins as i call my best friend, Paprika salsa shamshila rihanna red pineapple.

I want revenge!




And that's for the 4th installment.

Stay tuned for more. And please vote. 

1 vote= 1 braincell for lizzy.

please... i need braincells for my upcoming exams.

R.I.P my 3rd braincell.



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