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Hey guys! As you know, i mostly keep my content light-hearted and humorous in an attempt to distract a reader with cocky satire from whatever that is currently happening in their lives. But today's chappie is kinda different. Don't worry im not here to scare you all any further. I'm just here to discuss straight fact about corona's origin, precautions and its cure (the available one aswell as the non available one) in the most brief way possible for the sake of spreading awareness and telling that.... 

.....this is not an apocalypse situation. Ya'll are not in the endgame.

What is corona virus? 

☆ These types of viruses are found in animals ranging from livestock and household pets to wildlife such as bats. 

[Scienc-y stuff about how it replicates itself] Coronaviruses contain a single strand of RNA (as opposed to DNA, which is double-stranded) within the envelope and, as a virus, can't reproduce without getting inside living cells and hijacking their machinery. The spikes on the viral envelope help coronaviruses bind to cells, which gives them a way in, like blasting a door open with C4. Once inside, they turn the cell into a virus factory -- the RNA and some enzymes use the cell's molecular machinery to produce more viruses, which are then shipped out of the cell to infect other cells. Thus, the cycle starts anew.

☆ The Coronavirus Study Group, part of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses,  "formally recognizes this virus as a sister to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronaviruses (SARS-CoVs)," the species responsible for the SARS outbreak in 2002-2003. The virus itself was originally given a placeholder name of "2019-nCoV."

☆ Thus, Corona virus itself is NOT something new. It is just the ADVANCED version of its previous wave. Stronger than before. i.e Another group of Chinese scientists , having studied the viral genetic code and compared it to the previous SARS coronavirus and other bat coronaviruses. They discovered the genetic similarities run deep: The virus shares 80% of its genes with the previous SARS virus and 96% of its genes with bat coronaviruses. Importantly, the study also demonstrated the virus can get into and hijack cells the same way SARS did.

Where did it come from:

Wuhan, a Chinese city about 650 miles south of Beijing that has a population of more than 11 million people. 

The Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, which sells fish, as well as a panoply of meat from other animals, including bats, snakes and , was implicated in the spread in early January.

[BUT] Prestigious medical journal The Lancet stretching back to Dec. 1, 2019. The very first patient identified had not been exposed to the market, suggesting the virus may have originated elsewhere and been transported to the market, where it was able to thrive or jump from human to animal and back again. Chinese authorities shut down the market on Jan. 1.

What do you think?

Okay... but what is the number of confirmed deaths?And which areas are most affected?

The virus has spread to over 66 countries since its discovery in late 2019 and the number of cases and deaths have been steadily rising since early January. 

A total of 83,386 (including 80,134‬ in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau) confirmed cases of novel coronavirus infection including 3,048 deaths (including 2,794 in China, 54 in Iran, 34 in Italy, 22 in South Korea, 12 in Japan, two in France, two in the US and one each in the Philippines, Australia, Thailand, and Taiwan) have been reported across the world as of 02 March 2020. (the day this chappie is being published)

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