The beginning (part 1)

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Hello and welcome all!

This story is not 100% wholesome. It goes into dark themes (rape, mental/physical abuse, suicide,...etc.)

It's a slice of life fanfic so it's going to be long. It's an emotional roller coaster, you'll laugh, cry and eventually hate me for sure.

This is obviously a sasunaru/narusasu fanfic so if it's not your cup of tea that's understandable.

Story might have some Sakura bashing but I neither hate nor love the character itself. It's only for writing purposes (create tension, moving the plot so don't take it personally if any of your favourite characters, Sakura included, are harmed in the making of this story).

There is no lemon or smut in this story, because I can't write it even if my life was on the line. (I cringe so bad XD)

So I'm sorry if you're here for a 50 shades of Sasuke...I'm not writing that. So feel free to use the idea...just uhm if you do write it tag me? I'll be happy to read it until I cringe too hard to continue XD.

Lastly, I wrote this fanfic because I desperately wanted to write a tragedy since I have an issue with saying goodbye to characters I love, lol. This was clear in the last fanfic I wrote, I succumbed to everyone's wishes to make it a happy story because I too wanted them to have a very happy ending.

So in short, I did ask readers later in the story about a choice. Let's just say, their choice affected the outcome of the story (◡ ω ◡)🍵

Sooooo jump right in my sexy noodles and hope you enjoy this story!

- Homura.


It all started with an explosion.

On the two different sides of the burning buildings stood two male kids. The first had dark hair, obsidian eyes that were burdened by tears. He watched the building go up in flames. Nine years of age and orphaned.

Fire didn't hesitate attacking any who dared try enter the building. It had quickly escalated and gotten out of hand. The other boy was a redhead, his hair short. His eyes as purple and kind as those of his mother. A kind person he knew he wouldn't see again.

These two boys: nine years of age respectively were both holding their younger sibling's hand.
the Uchiha and the Uzumaki were both orphaned that night.

Naruto a mere toddler, was holding onto his older brother's pants. Tears in his eyes, scared and not quite understanding what was going on. His older brother, Kurama, kept a protective arm around his blond brother.

People were put in black body bags. Everything around smelled like char. That smell lingered long in Kurama's nose.

The two Uzumaki orphans were thrown into an orphanage then shortly after that it was a foster home.

They were in a house with sixteen other kids. Their foster parents did not deserve the title of parents. Kurama quickly learned that he and Naruto were nothing but a paycheck to them.
Yet, he kept quiet, did as told and took the beating. He did everything he could for his almost three year old brother.

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