The Strange Boy

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"I'll see you later tonight" Oliver shouted over his shoulder as he pulled on his battered old converse at the front door.

"Nah, i'm going out tonight but I will be back tomorrow morning" his roommate called out over the sound of shooting and explosions coming from the PlayStation. Oliver had been living with Lee for about 3 years, They were best friends in high school so when Lee finally got an apartment he asked Oli if he wanted to move in as well. Oli didn't even hesitate to say yes when Lee asked him. He wanted to get out of his parents house anyways, plus the apartment was very close to the record store that Oli worked in so that was a bonus.

Lee was a great friend, a weird friend but a great one. Lee was also a sketchy kind of person, Oli once found a gun under his pillow but he didn't really question it because he knew that Lee was involved with some type of shady thing. If only Oli knew how shady Lee really was. Oliver didn't really know or care what Lee did for a job, he was just happy that his roommate was still alive and brought home weed once in a while.

"Oh ok, well i'm working the late shift at the store anyways, for some reason Alex wants me to stay longer so I can help him unload stuff from the truck, but I will leave the key under the flower pot so if you come back while i'm at work tomorrow you don't have to freeze your ass off outside" Oli ran his tattooed hand through his longish curly brown hair and took his jacket off of the coat hanger.

"Alright, I will see you tomorrow mate" Lee said as he hopped over the couch and into the kitchen. "Also, Just be safe coming home tonight, you know how many chicks have been going missing lately" Lee walked into the hallway and leant up against the wall with a burnt ass looking piece of toast in his hand.

" Oi fuck you, do I look like a chick" Oli chuckled, looking himself up a down sarcastically. He could take care of himself and he didn't need someone telling him to "be safe" coming home from work when the apartment was 5 fucking minutes away.

"Just be safe mate" Lee shook his head and left to go continue playing whatever he was playing.

"Love you too Lee" Oli rolled his eyes and stepped out of the apartment and closed the door behind him.

The cold air hit his face instantly and a shiver went down his spine. I don't look like a girl do i? Oli shook his head at the silly thought and made his way down the sidewalk towards the record store. Lee was right though, a lot of girls have been going missing lately and the police don't know shit about it. It's put a lot of people on edge, even Oli sometimes. But he knows that he will be fine, it's a five minute walk so what's the worst that can happen? He does live in a sketchy part of town though. Oli picked up his pace and made a b-line towards the record store.

With his head down and his hands in his pockets Oli didn't see the person clad in black walking towards him, the person didn't see Oli either because next thing he knew they were both on the ground groaning in pain.

"What the fuck?" Oli hissed and stood up off of the sidewalk, he ran a hand through his hair and looked down at the person he collided with.

"Fuck me" the person groaned and looked up at Oli with a confused expression plastered on his face.

Oli's brain finally started working again and he stuck his hand out to help up the person but they declined it and stood up by them self, but the stranger never took his eyes off of the brown haired boy.

"I'm so fucking sorry, I wasn't looking at all" Oli apologised and finally took in the boys appearance. The boy was wearing a black hoodie along with black skinny jeans and black converse, he was a bit smaller compared to Oli and he looked way skinnier. He had shoulder length black hair and bright blue eyes. When Oli looked at his face again he noticed the boy was staring at him with a smirk, it gave him an uneasy feeling but he chose to ignore it.

"Oh no its totally fine I wasn't looking either" The boy finally tore his eyes away from Oli and and scratched the back of his head awkwardly. The boy sounded american so Oli was slightly confused when he finally decided to speak. Maybe he is a tourist or something?

"Ok well sorry again but I gotta go to work now" Oli cleared his throat and went to walk away but the boy spoke up again.

"Um where do you work?" The boy crossed his arms behind his back and looked up at Oli innocently. Something about this kid did not sit right with Oli. The taller boy gave the smaller a confused look.

"Oh sorry that was really out there but I was thinking we could maybe meet up one time, I just moved here and I don't really have any friends-" The boy was rambling on but Oli cut him off with a chuckle

"Its fine, well my work is actually down the road there, I work at the record store so maybe you could pop in and we could exchange numbers or something" Oli did find the boy quite attractive and wouldn't mind maybe being friends with him.

"Oh ok cool" The boy gave Oli a smile and turned to walk away.

"See you round then" Oli ducked his head down again and braced himself for the cold wind to hit his face again, but before he could walk any further he heard the boy call out.


Oli turned around and his breathing hitched in his throat when he saw the boys bright blue eyes turn to dark.

"I'll see you later" The boy paired that creepy ass saying with a wave and walked off.

That was it, Oli was left there on the sidewalk in shock. Oli didn't know why he was so shocked, something just didn't feel right.

He let out a sigh he didn't know he was holding in and nearly ran to the record store.

I hope you guys enjoyed it :)

I will try update asap

What do u think the boy is up to?

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