When Did This Happen

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Vic walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. Josh leaned back and took in Oli's appearance one last time before he decided to untie him so he could sleep properly. He looked so fucking hot even when he was asleep. The blue-eyed man stood up and grabbed his phone from his bedside table, he smiled to himself as he unlocked his phone and saw his background.

Josh held his phone out and took a photo of the boy before walking to Oli's side of the bed and talking another couple of photos of the boy. He threw his phone onto his pillow and unbuckled the gag and slipped it out of the boy's mouth. The boy smiled in his sleep and dug his face into the sheets. Josh silently awed and began untying the ropes around his legs.

Once he was done with Oli's legs he sighed sadly. I guess I had to do it eventually. Josh was sad to ruin his work but Oli had to sleep properly. Josh began untying Oli's arms and placed the rope and gag neatly back into the box. He smirked at the deep imprints the rope left on Oliver's tattoed skin and moved Oli upwards so he could lay his head on the pillow. Josh pulled the sheets over Oli and felt his heart explode as the boy snuggled into the sheets and smile in his sleep.

Josh leaned down and kissed the boy on the cheek. He pulled back and carried the box back to his drawers and sighed in content. It was only late evening so Josh decided to let Oli sleep and go downstairs, he kissed Oli on the forehead and grabbed his pack of cigarettes and his lighter. Josh walked out of the room and down the stairs.

Josh heard talking coming from the lounge and smiled when he saw Jaime, Tony, and Mike watching a movie. He sat himself down on one of the separate chairs and took out a cigarette.

"Hey no smoking inside, Jaime said lightheartedly. Josh playfully flipped him off and lit up the cigarette, he took a drag and sighed deeply as he exhaled the smoke into the air above him. Tony was sat on Mike's lap and his head was resting on his boyfriend's chest. Jaime had his head on Tony's lap and his attention was on the movie.

"I don't know how Oliver can be that loud" Tony chuckled. Josh held back laughter as he sat up in the chair, resting his elbows on his knees.

"The boy is very sensitive" Josh laughed as he took another drag.

"No shit sherlock" Mike raised his eyebrows at Josh and smirked. Josh crossed his arms and leaned back in the chair.

"Hey, stop making fun of my boyfriend" Josh huffed, he pouted and took another drag, exhaling the smoke out of the side of his mouth. Jaime sat up and stared at Josh in confusion.

"Wait, I didn't know you guys were dating. When did this happen?" Jaime asked. That was true, Josh never told them that Oli had agreed to be his boyfriend.

"Yea since when?" Mike asked curiously.

"Oh, my bad. Like a couple of days ago," Josh said casually. Jaime slowly nodded and placed his head back in Tony's lap. Jaime was glad that they were all such great friends, otherwise, he probably wouldn't be able to rest against Tony without Mike bitch slapping him.

"Oh, sick. Well, we are happy for you two" Jaime smiled at him and Josh smiled back.

"Yea, I'm glad you finally found someone, even if the circumstances, to begin with, weren't the best" Mike chuckled lightheartedly and Josh took another drag.

"Um, where is he now?" Tony asked.

"Upstairs, sleeping" Josh smiled at the thought of Oli sleeping peacefully.

"I guess he would need a lot of sleep after whatever was going on before" Jaime giggled and Josh held his head high shamelessly. The room fell into a comfortable silence as the four of them continued watching the movie. Josh eventually said good night after it finished and they had already started a second movie.

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