You're Making Me Do This

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jhcgfnxddffjsdq sorry-

Oli shook his head at Josh's words and tried desperately to escape from his grip, not wanting to find out what Josh was insinuating. Oli clawed at Josh's hands but it only resulted in Josh's grip tightening.

"I'd like you to collect everyone and take them back to the house, I'm going to have a little fun out here before I come back," Josh told Vic over his shoulder, Vic nodded and silently walked off towards the house.

"I can't believe you, Oliver" Josh growled. He was furious, he knew he shouldn't hurt Oli but he just felt so betrayed and hurt. The love of his life broke his trust and tried to disappear, and Josh got violent when he was emotional.

"Look, Josh, I'm s-sorry, I-I saw an o-open door so I took the o-opportunity, I-I wasn't t-thinking properly" Oli choked out.

"You're not sorry!" Josh yelled.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm not!" Oli yelled back, pulling the same move that Josh had pulled a couple of days ago.

"You little fucking cunt!" Josh yelled, throwing Oliver to the ground. Oli landed on his back and sent a kick to Josh's stomach. Josh fell back and clutched the spot Oli had kicked him, groaning in pain. Oliver scrambled to get up off of the forest floor but was brought back down by Josh grabbing his ankle. Oli shook his ankle out of Josh's grip and stood up off the ground, he didn't even look back to see what Josh was doing, he just ran as fast as he could away from Josh.

"Get back here!" Oli heard Josh yell. Oli ignored him and ran off into the woods with Josh hot on his trail. Josh's screaming and yelling got further and further away as Oli ran into the thicker part of the forest.

Oli couldn't hear Josh anymore, he let out a relieved sigh and sat down to rest behind a tree. He needed to rest if he was going to try and get home. He took deep breaths and ran a hand through his hair. Oli shot up from his spot behind the tree when he heard a twig snap behind him. The forest was so dense that light couldn't get through properly, causing the forset to be permanently dark.

Oli slowly walked backwards, away from the sound he heard. He didn't know how long he was walking for but he found himself in a clearing. He looked around and panicked. Fuck I'm out in the open this isn't good. Oli turned around to find another spot to hide but was knocked back by a strong force. Oli looked up to see Josh standing above him with his fists clenched at his sides. Oli scrambled back, trying to get away from Josh but the blue-eyed man dragged the boy back under him and straddled him.

"Get the fuck away from me!" Oli screamed. He was thrashing around under Josh but it was no use. "You're a fucking psycho!" Oliver spat. Josh snapped on Oli and grabbed his wrists roughly, pinning them above his head. Oli struggled to get his wrists out of Josh's grip but gave up when Josh dug his fingernails into his already sensitive wrists.

"You just keep making this harder for yourself" Josh growled.

"Just let me go!" Oli cried. "If you truly loved me, then you would let me go!" Oliver spat. Josh glared at Oli and moved Oli's wrists to one hand so he could use his free hand to punch Oliver in the jaw. Oli's head flew to the side and he immediately shut up. Oli could feel a warm liquid start to flow out of a large gash on his lip and into his mouth and he gulped at the thought of choking on his own blood.

"You're making me do this Oliver" Josh hissed. Oli looked up at him with anger-filled eyes.

"I guess you don't love me then" Oliver spat a mixture of spit and blood at Josh in pure rage.

"That's it" Josh's face fell and his face was expressionless. He stared at Oli with blank eyes and lifted him up of the ground. To say Oli was scared was an understatement. I think I broke him- Oli gulped and stared back at the emotionless man in front of him. Josh grabbed Oli's wrists in one hand and dragged him out of the clearing.

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