Now Where's My Show

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sorry, I didn't update yesterday I was busy most of the day :/

I hope you enjoy and thank u again @amo.mp3 ilyy

Oli awoke with a sharp pain in his ass and a devilish idea in his head. He cuddled up to the warm thing next to him, he dug his face into Josh's chest and smirked when he had finished planning his idea.

He felt a hand stroking his hair and looked up to see Josh smiling down at him. His bed hair was as crazy as ever and love-filled his eyes.

"Morning baby," Josh said, his voice thick with sleep. Oli smiled at him mischievously and kissed his lips briefly.

"What are you smiling at?" Josh chuckled and pushed Oli's hair out of his face.

"Hmmm nothing," Oli smiled innocently, and Josh slowly nodded. Oli wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's torso and sighed in content. Josh continued stroking his hair and closed his eyes. He let his head rest against the headboard and enjoyed the comfortable silence they were sharing. That is until it was interrupted by a knock at the door. Josh groaned and sat up more in bed.

"Come in" Josh called out to the person behind the door. He heard shuffling and attempts to open the door, the door finally opened to reveal a tired-looking Kellin carrying about 5 parcels. The raven-haired boy walked in and threw the parcels onto the bed.

"I think these belong to you guys" Kellin chuckled and but his hands on his hips. Oli sat up and moved in front of the packages. Josh moved next to him and kissed him on the cheek. Kellin silently awed and clapped his hands together.

"You guys are so cute" He whispered. Oli blushed and Josh grinned at the raven-haired boy.

"Oh, How is Lee going?" Josh asked. Oli's head shot up at the mention of his best friend.

"He is in the spare room and we briefed him on everything, so he is one of us now," Kellin said.

"Good, I'm glad" Josh smiled at him and put his arms around Oli's waist.

"By the way, you guys are very loud" Kellin chuckled. "We heard everything"

Oli hid his face in his hands to hide his blush. Josh snickered and chuckled.

"Well, he is very-" Before Josh could finish Oli pounced on him and covered his mouth with his hand. Oliver's face was bright red and Josh just laughed.

Oli glared at Josh and kept his hand over his mouth.

"I'll leave you two alone now" Kellin laughed as he walked out of the room.

"Thanks, Kells" Josh tried calling out. Oli took his hand away from Josh's mouth and crossed his arms.

"I'm only loud because your really good at sex" Oli huffed. Josh grabbed his face and crashed their lips together. Oli's eyes widened and he was about to kiss back but Josh pulled away and smirked.

"Damn right I am" Josh smiled in satisfaction and lifted Oli onto his lap. "Now, why don't you open your packages" He smiled. Oli nodded and began sifting through them. Josh saw the package he ordered and quickly grabbed it.

He hid it behind his back and smiled innocently when Oli gave him a confused look. Oliver shrugged and began opening the parcels.

Josh wrapped his arms around Oli's waist and rested his head on the boy's shoulder. Oli opened the package with the skirts and Josh gasped. He snatched the black skirt out of Oli's hands and held it out in front of him.

"Oh my god put this on now! It's adorable" Josh's face lit up and Oli nodded. He took the skirt from Josh and jumped off the bed.

"I will but wait here, I have to go get something quickly" Oli smirked and went to walk away but Josh grabbed his wrist.

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