He Is Here To Die

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I hope you enjoy ;)

(not my meme, I just thought it was funny)

Trigger warning; Dahvie Vanity (gross), I should have put it before but mentions of rape :/

I absolutely loathe Dahvie Vanity, mother fucker should be in jail, not starting up a makeup brand. I literally could go on and on about that man but its draining and fuck him. Fuck Dahvie Vanity!!!

Oli's head shot up so he could look at the man and fear was evident in his eyes. Oh, fuck no! He yanked his wrist out of the man's grip and ran for the door. He reached for the handle and almost made it but the man grabbed his hair and yanked him back.

Oli yelped and grabbed at the man's hand, he was thrown against the wall and was about to scream out to Josh but the man covered his mouth with his hand. Oli wanted to throw up, the man was so repulsive and he wanted to get away as soon as he could but he was frozen in fear. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

This was nothing like when Josh threw him around, Oli was never disgusted by Josh. But this man was the definition of disgusting. The man hadn't even said anything or touched him but Oli was already more than disgusted.

"Ya know, I don't normally go for boys but I just couldn't keep my eyes off of you," The man said with a sickeningly sweet voice. "I might take you back home with me, you could be fun"

Oli wanted to die right then and there. He would rather die than spend another minute in the presence of that horrible man. Oli knew what he meant by "you could be fun" And Oli did not want to go through what nearly happened last time with Jordan. WHY THE FUCK DOES EVERYONE WANNA RAPE ME! WHAT DID I DO!

Oli glared at him to hide the fear that was coursing through his veins and dug his nails into the man's hand. The man tightened his grip on Oli's hair, causing the boy to whimper behind his hand and his glare softened and turned into fear again.

"Awww you are so scared, I can see it in your eyes" The man smirked and removed his hand from Oli's mouth. Oliver was too scared to speak, but the man's hand went in the direction of Oli's thigh and the boy snapped out of the trance he was put in and shook his head and growled at the man.

Oli spat in his face and kicked him straight in the crotch. The man let go of Oli's hair and groaned as he sunk to the floor and held his crotch.

"Don't you dare fucking touch me" Oli spat, he walked towards the man and kicked him onto the ground so that he was on his back. Oli pressed his foot down on the man's chest and growled at him. "You absolutely fucking disgust me and all you have done is touch me" Oli pressed down hard on his chest and grinned when the man let another pained groan.

"JOSH GET IN HERE!" Oli yelled.

Oli grabbed the collar of his shirt and picked him up off the floor, he smashed the man into the wall and growled in his face. "If I didn't wanna beat you into the wall as much as I do I would never have touched you" Oli let go of the man's collar out of one of his hands and punched him as hard as he could.

"Whoa whoa, what the fuck is going on?" Josh looked at Oli with confusion and as he continually punched the man in the face. Oli stopped to take a breath and slowly turned his head to look at Josh with a shark-like grin and the darkness in his eyes that he had before he ended someone's life. Josh nodded slowly and smirked at him. He got the hint.

"This is the mother fucker who was staring at me," Oli said calmly. Josh glared at the man who had his head lolled to the side and his eyes closed, blood was dripping down from his busted lip and now broken nose. "This mother fucker also wanted to take me home with him!" Oli screamed at the man's face but he didn't move. "This mother fucker was going to rape me!" Josh growled and Oli threw the man to the floor.

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