I'm Absolutely Certain

204 13 29

{Btw I don't really know how auctions work but here it is-}

"-And here comes number 5"

Kellin dragged Oli onto the stage and harshly forced him to kneel down in line with four other people, He dug his nails into Oliver's arm and bent down to whisper in his ear for the second time.

"Don't say or do anything" He hissed and walked over to join Vic's side. Oli let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in and glanced up. I can't fucking believe this is happening. Oliver didn't know what he did to deserve this, he was just trying to live his life but now it's all ruined. He was a good person so why was the universe doing this to him.

While Vic droned on about how the Auction was going to work and what the starting bids were on the first person for sale, Oliver looked to his right and saw four girls all in the same position as him, two of them had long brown hair and the other two were blonde and one had shorter hair. One of the girls with brown hair had tears streaming down her face. Fuckin hell-

Oli's eyes caught one of the blonde-haired girls, she was looking at him with confusion and a little bit of hope in her eyes. Oli gave her a confused look but she shook her head and went back to staring at the tables of people in front of them. Oliver took a deep breath and looked to the front. There were tables and tables filled with men in fancy suits and women with big hair in big glamorous dresses. Everything was so extra and looked very expensive. Gold and diamonds everywhere. Each table had a large gold candelabra in the middle and about four-six people seated at the tables.  Jaime had said they were "Gangs". The front entrance to the ballroom was covered by scary "bodyguard" looking, people. They all wore suits, two-three of the "bodyguards" had the same suit and the others didn't. Some part of their suit was colour coded to a "gang" that sat around a table. Oliver guessed that all the people here were very important as he took in his surroundings. Oli gulped and continued scanning the room, he had completely tuned Vic out. The last thing he heard before he zoned out was Vic discussing a bid with a few of the gangs about one of the smaller girls, Oli didn't pay attention to anymore after that. Poor girl Oli sighed.

He continued scanning the room until something Vic said caught his attention and made his eyes widen and his breathing hitch.

"Now how about number 5, here is a warning though, he is a feisty one" Vic licked his lips mischievously and pointed over to Oliver, Kellin had his arms crossed and was smirking at Vic's side. fuck no! fuck no! fuck no! Oliver was on the verge of a panic attack. He wanted to scream out and tell them all to stop with this but he knew the consequences would be very bad. Oli clenched his eyes shut and tried to steady his breathing God I hope no one bids please god, I don't wanna be fucking sold! Oliver silently begged to whatever god existed.

As soon as Vic finished talking a man sitting at one of the back tables shot out of his seat like a bullet out of a gun and called out the first bid.

"35,000" Oli's eyes shot open and he stared at the man, the man wasn't even looking at Vic, he was staring right at Oli, right into the boy's soul. His eyes had a look of possession in them and it just made Oli want to run away and never look back.

"Ah, Is that the best you can do Mr. Fish" Vic leaned over the microphone and winked at the man. Oli was looking between the man and Vic with wide eyes. HOW THE FUCK ARE THEY SO CALM ABOUT THIS!? He only looked away from both men when he heard the loud bang of a chair hitting the floor. Oli's eyes along with everyone else's in the room snapped towards the cause of the sound and Oli swore his heart stopped. His eyes landed on someone he never thought he would see at a place like this.

There standing frozen in shock next to the man in the process of trying to fucking buy Oliver was none other than Oliver's flatmate and best friend, Lee Malia. Oliver froze. Oli knew he was shady but he didn't know he was this shady. Holy shit holy shit holy shit WHAT THE FUCKKKK! Oli's mind was running wild, he had so many questions. He felt like he was going to pass out. No one in the room was moving, everyone's eyes were focused on either Lee or Oli or both, trying to figure out why Lee had caused such a scene.

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