Like What You See?

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My updating schedule is kinda fucked hahaha, I'll like update in the middle of the day then again at 1 am or some shit. So sorry if it's kinda annoying.

I can't thank you enough but thank you so much for your amazing comments  

When the sunrise disappeared and daylight was all you could see, Josh hoped down from his spot on the window sill and carefully shut the window. He placed the pack of cigarettes back in his bedside table and quickly snuck out of the room. Josh yawned and sleepily made his way down to the kitchen. Oli would be waking up soon so Josh sped up his movements, eager to get back to Oli. Josh had a heavy conversation with himself last night, or this morning. He decided he was going to try to go a bit easier on Oli, but if he messed up again he would have to do what was necessary. But he was going to try to go a bit easier on him in general.

Josh quickly filled up two glasses of water and ran back up the stairs. He quietly opened the door and closed it once he was inside. He put one of the glasses on his bedside table and another on top of the desk. Josh crouched down in front of Oli and gently shook the sleeping angel awake. Oli groaned and shifted so he could face whoever was trying to wake him up. He slowly opened his eyes and blicked a couple of times to let his eyes adjust. His eyes widened when he recognized Josh and he shook his shoulders to try and get Josh to let go of him.

Josh sighed and gave Oli a sad smile. He reached up to take off the tape but stopped when Oli shut his eyes and flinched away. He sighed again and ripped the tape off of Oli's mouth. Oli yelped and spat the cloth out. Josh threw the tape and cloth onto the desk.

"As much as I would love to leave you like that because of how cute you look, I'm feeling nice today. So I'm going to allow you to have a shower and eat, ok?" Josh gave Oli a genuine smile and Oli nodded in return. Josh opened the drawers and grabbed a pair of scissors, He cut the tape off of Oli and then placed the scissors back in the drawers. He picked up the glass of water and offered it to Oli who took it gladly and downed it fast.

"T-Thanks" Oli shakily said. Josh smiled at him and ruffled his hair. Oli liked this Josh better than the angry and scary one.

"You can shower for as long as you want and take as much time as you need, the towels are already in there and I will give you some clothes to take in with you" Josh stood up and walked to his closet to find some clothes for Oli.

Josh found a pair of track pants, a pair of boxers and an oversized sweater that looked like it would fit Oli perfectly. Josh smiled to himself and shut the doors of the closet, he walked over to Oli but the boy flinched when he got too close. Josh sighed and stuck his hand out to Oli so he could help him up. The hazel-eyed boy hesitantly took Josh's hand and stood up with shaky legs. Oli groaned and leaned against the desk for extra support.

"Are you ok?" Josh asked, concern laced in his voice. No, I'm not fucking ok. But instead, Oli replied with a quiet yes.

Josh led Oliver to the bathroom and placed his fresh clothing on the heater and turned the shower on. The entire time Josh was facing him, Oli somehow couldn't take his eyes off of Josh's bare torso. Oli would admit that Josh was very attractive. If they had met on other terms Oli would have for sure asked him for his number. Josh turned around to face Oli to tell him that shower was ready, but he caught Oli looking him up and down.

"Like what you see" Josh smirked. Oli tore his gaze away from Josh and it to the ground, his curly hair fell in front of his face to hide the blush that was forming. Josh chuckled and walked towards the door. "Oh uh do you need anything else, like any help," Josh asked awkwardly. Oli shook his head and gave Josh a small timid smile. Josh swore his heart would melt at the sight of Oli smiling, even if it wasn't much. Josh nodded and walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

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