You're So Adorable

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I'm going to be going back to work on Monday so updates will be a bit slower, sorry :(

I got a bit carried away with the fluff-

"What movie are you guys watching?" Vic asked as he placed a tray with two plates of pasta and two cups of Fanta on the bed.

"Scream" Kellin replied. He grabbed a plate and fork and handed it to Oli who took it eagerly. He hadn't eaten in a while. Oli thanked Kellin and Vic and dug in straight away.

"Cool," Vic smiled and pet Kellin's head. "Oh yeah, Mike told me to tell you that Josh said He was sorry and that it won't happen again" Vic added. Oli's breathing hitched and he nodded.

"Thanks, baby," Kellin said in-between mouth fulls of pasta.

"Have fun guys" Vic smiled as he walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

"Y-You guys are so cute" Oli spoke softly.

"Thanks" Kellin blushed and pressed play on the movie so they could resume watching it while they ate. Oli finished with his food and placed the plate on the tray, he grabbed both of the drinks and handed one to Kellin who placed it on the bedside table. Oli did the same and then put the tray on the floor beside the bed. He yawned and downed the cup of soda quickly.

Oliver curled up in the bed and continued to watch the movie until he felt his eyelids start to droop. Kellin turned off the TV and slowly made his way out of the bed.

"Goodnight Oli" Kellin said softly.

"C-Could you maybe stay here tonight" Oli whispered. Kellin nodded and crawled back under the covers. "T-Thanks" Oli gave Kellin a small smile and closed his eyes. Oli drifted off into a dreamless sleep to greet the demons and monsters that haunted his mind when the sun went down.

Oli awoke in the early hours of the morning when the sun was yet to rise, the only problem was that he couldn't move. Oli knew what was happening. He always got sleep paralysis. Oli took deep breaths and prayed to whatever god existed that nothing would attack him. Normally Oli could open his eyes when he had sleep paralysis, but this time he couldn't. Oli continued taking deep breaths and waited till his body finally woke up. This one is weird-

When Oli's body decided to finally awake, he sat up and ran a hand through his hair. He looked over to Kellin to find him still asleep. Oli decided to not go back to sleep again in case he got night terrors or something awful like that. Oli pulled the blankets away from his body and hung his legs over the edge of the bed. He sighed and quietly stood up and stretched. Oliver looked over at the bedside table and looked at the alarm clock. 2:35 am, damn.

Oli snuck out of the room and into the hallway quietly, he didn't know where he was going. He just let his body drag him wherever. Oli wandered down the hall but stopped when he found himself in front of Josh's bedroom door. Oliver was about to turn away but he heard soft sobs coming from inside the room. He debated with himself whether he should go in or not but slowly opened the door before he could second guess himself.

The sobbing stopped when he opened the door and entered the room.

"H-Hello?" Josh said in a broken voice. Oli closed the door and hesitantly walked towards Josh's bed. Josh flicked on the light above his bed and pulled himself up so he could sit against the headboard. Oli sat on the edge of Josh's bed and looked at the broken man in front of him. Josh's left hand was handcuffed to the headboard and he had tear tracks staining his cheeks and sorrow-filled eyes.

"H-Hi," Oli said softly. Josh looked at him in guilt and starting sobbing again.

"W-Why did you c-come here? Aren't you scared I w-will hurt you again?" Josh sobbed. Oli shook his head and moved closer to Josh.

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