He's Gone Mad

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Sorry I updated late I was doing school work and drawing, then I was on a discord call :/

I'm so sorry-

Jordan couldn't stop shaking, blood was pouring out of his shoulder and his leg and onto the floor. His tough-guy facade had broken and tears were streaming down his face. He would have pleaded for Oli to stop and to tell him he was sorry but Jordan still didn't regret what he did.

At least he had some fun before he died.

Oli grinned and turned around and waved at Josh who slowly waved back at him. Oli then turned to Lee who looked like he had seen a ghost. His eyes were wide and his skin was ghostly pale. Oli gave him a wave then turned back to Jordan.

The hazel-eyed boy placed his hands on Jordan's face and wiped the tears away, smearing his own blood on his face in the process. Jordan clenched his eyes shut and dug his nails into the palm of his hand.

"Hmm, now you know what it feels like" Oli's face dropped into a deadly serious look. He held Jordan's face firmly in his hands and brought his face close. "I don't think you are in enough pain yet" Oli shook his head and got off Jordan. The man shook his head and groaned.

"We don't have anything other than knives and I don't wanna use a gun" Oli pouted and put his hand on his hip and mimicked thinking. "Plus I think I'm traumatizing Lee" Oli laughed and gave his best friend an apologetic look.

Josh stayed silent as he watched Oli, he was slightly turned on while he watched his boyfriend get covered in blood and stab the man who hurt him. Oli was doing them all a favor killing him, especially Kellin.

Oli's thoughts were stopped as he heard footsteps coming down to the basement. He ran a hand through his hair getting blood mixed into it in the process. Vic and Kellin appeared at the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey Josh, I was thinking-" Vic stopped in his tracks when his eyes landed on Oli covered in blood and Jordan who was probably dying of blood loss. "Uh-" Vic looked from Jordan to Oli and blinked a couple of times. Kellin's eyes widened and he smirked when he saw Jordan.

"I can see the fucker is getting what he deserved" Kellin whispered to Vic, his boyfriend nodded and Oli clapped his hands together.
"Ooh we have an audience," Oli said cheerfully. He walked over to Vic and Kellin and grabbed their wrists, he dragged them to Josh and pushed them against the wall. "You can all watch now" He grinned and went back to standing in front of Jordan.

"He's gone mad" Vic whispered to Josh, the blue-eyed man nodded and smirked.
"He has indeed" Josh focused his eyes on his boyfriend and smirked.
"Jesus Christ, I didn't expect to see this" Kellin looked at Oli and gulped. Vic nodded and they stared in shock and awe at Oli.

"Now I reckon we finish this off soon so I can go and hopefully fuck or get fucked by my boyfriend without freaking out," Oli said sarcastically. Josh's breathing hitched and both Vic and Kellin looked at the blue-eyed man with wide eyes. Josh blushed like crazy and avoided their gaze.

Jordan kept his mouth shut and looked at the ground. Oli walked forwards and started unbuttoning Jordan's shirt. He pulled it off as much as he could and ran a hand over his chest. Josh huffed and crosses his arms causing Vic to chuckle lightly and shake his head.

Oli took the knife and held it near Jordan's stomach, he shook his head and stood behind Jordan instead. He leaned down and rested his head on the other man's shoulder causing Jordan to groan and clench his eyes shut.
"You should have raped and killed me when you had the chance" Oli growled. He placed his arms out in front of him so that the knife was hovering over Jordan's stomach.

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