How Much Do You Want Me

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I hope you enjoy ;)

Oli blushed and nodded. He couldn't wait to find out what Josh had planned. Josh smirked and hopped off Oli. The hazel-eyed boy groaned and sat on the end of the bed.

"Where are you going?" Oli pouted. Since Oli and Josh had fucked in the bath Oliver had been craving Josh even more than before. All he wanted was Josh.

"Your best friend is still in the basement and I have to get some things from down there so would you like to join me?" Josh smirked and extended his hand like a gentleman.

Oli blushed and took his hand, he hopped off the bed and Josh brought Oli's hand to his lips. He kissed the boy's knuckles softly causing Oli to blush a darker color.

The sexual tension in the air was nearly suffocating but it somehow made things more exciting for Oliver.

"Does your ass still hurt?" Josh asked randomly. Oli's breathing hitched and he chuckled lightly.

"Not really but I can take round 2" Oli smirked at his newfound confidence and decided to tease Josh a bit. The blue-eyed man bit his lip and let out a growl.

"You don't know what you're asking for, baby" Josh growled seductively as he walked Oli out of the bedroom and down the stairs towards the gym.

"I think I can take it," Oli hummed. Josh licked his lips as he tried not to get turned on when they were about to be in the same room as Lee.

"You are driving me crazy" Josh opened the gym door and squeezed Oli's hand. The blue-eyed man opened the basement door and let go of Oli's hand so he could hold the door open for him.

Oli thanked him and walked down the stairs in front of Josh. The blue-eyed man smirked and slapped the younger boy's ass, Oli squeaked and shot Josh a joking glare. He stuck his tongue out at his boyfriend and walked down the stairs with Josh following him.

The hazel-eyed boy switched on the light and sighed when the evidence of what happened the other day was gone.

"Should have taken a photo" He mumbled to himself. He felt arms snake around his waist and turned his head to see Josh smiling at him.

"I'll get the things I need and would you mind taking Lee upstairs and giving him to Vic?" Josh whispered in his ear. Oli nodded and walked towards Lee when Josh let go of him.

"Hey mate" Oli crouched down in front of his best friend who brought his knees up to his chest and tried to get as far away from Oli as he could.

Oli looked over at Josh who was looking through a cupboard at the other side of the room. He blushed and turned his attention back to taking Lee upstairs.

"Look, I'm not going to hurt you. I need to take you upstairs" Oli sighed and Lee nodded. Wow, this is probably what Josh felt like talking to me-

He stood up and untied the ropes from around Lee's wrists. He helped his best friend up and started walking towards the stairs. Oliver heard footsteps heading towards him and looked over his shoulder to see Josh walking over to them.

Josh had whatever he found behind his back and Oli couldn't help but get a bit excited and nervous. Josh smiled at him innocently and kissed his forehead.

Oli walked Lee up the stairs and out of the gym with Josh following behind. Once they were out of the gym Josh leaned up against the wall next to the stairs and waited for Oli to come back.

"Vic?" Oli called out. He heard shuffling coming from the lounge and choked back a laugh when he saw Vic zipping his jeans up and walking towards him. "Sorry" Oli giggled. Vic chuckled and shook his head as if to say It's ok.

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