I'm Happy For You

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Oliver groaned and shut his eyes. He felt like a doll to Josh. He couldn't move and couldn't speak. He was completely under Josh's control and he loved it more than anything. Oliver was Josh's property.

The blue-eyed man stroked Oli's hair and sat up against the headboard. He looked down at his boyfriend who looked like a broken marionette doll with the way he was tied up. He was beautiful.

He grabbed the remote from his bedside table and turned on the tv. He felt like teasing the boy slightly so he did what he usually did in his free time. Oli didn't have a say in anything anyways. Literally. Josh liked having Oli like this, he liked it when Oli was immobilized and couldn't say a word or do a thing. Josh loved it when Oli struggled to free himself or just struggle for his own pleasure.

The blue-eyed man liked it when Oli was at his mercy. He loved the fear that flashed in his eyes and the muffled whimpers and moans the boy let out. Josh owned Oliver. But Josh loved the boy, he wasn't a toy or a plaything, he was a human that loved Josh and Josh loved him back. But he also loved it when he was able to play with the boy's hair while he whimpered beside him.

Josh flicked the Tv to Netflix and resumed the movie they had been watching days ago. Oli had his head in the sheets and his eyes closed, he couldn't see the tv from how he was positioned. His breathing was heavy and drool was starting to pool on the sheets under his cheek.

The hazel-eyed boy tried his best to move and take his face out of the sheets. He clenched his fists and groaned into the gag. He heard Josh chuckle and he pulled at the ropes around his wrist but they wouldn't budge at all. Whenever he pulled on the rope around his wrists it would pull the rope around his ankles tighter.

Oli let out a muffled moan as he struggled, causing the rope to become tighter. Josh smirked and played with Oli's curly hair that was spread out on the white sheets.

"I'm so lucky to have you" Josh sighed, he smiled at Oli and the boy blushed. "You are so good to me" Josh caressed his cheek and went back to playing with his hair. "And you are all mine"

Oli pulled on the ropes again moaned into the gag, he clenched his eyes shut and Josh chuckled. "I think I did pretty good for my first time at hogtying someone," Josh smiled to himself and pressed play on the movie. So that's what this is called, he is very good at this-

Oli nodded the best he could with Josh's hand in his hair and Josh grinned. He had been researching bondage positions while Oli had been sleeping a while ago and ordered the things he needed not long after.

Oli pulled on the ropes more, craving the feeling that the tension gave him and moaned into the gag. Josh let out a shaky breath at the sight of his squirming boyfriend and tried to focus on the movie. The more Oli struggled, the tighter the ropes got. It got to the point where Oli couldn't move at all. He couldn't struggle anymore and he moaned loudly.

The ropes didn't allow him to pull against them so all Oli could do was move his head as he dug his face into the sheets once more. Fuck, how does this keep getting better and better?! I can't take it anymore?!

Oli clenched his eyes shut and tried to steady his breathing. This was all too much for him, but he loved it. He had never experienced anything like it and he never wanted it to stop. He liked feeling like an object to Josh.

Oliver whimpered into the gag and Josh caressed his cheek. Oli nuzzled into his hand and whined when Josh pulled it away. The blue-eyed man grabbed his boyfriend's face and held it in his hands. He stared at the boy lovingly and kissed his forehead, causing Oli to blush and smile the best he could.

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