What Were You Saying

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Oli bit his lip and moved a hand down his chest to touch his own achingly hard dick, "P-Please sir, fuck me" He panted loudly. He wrapped his small fist around his hard dick and arched his back, letting out a feminine moan, "Ah, sir", he opened his eyes and looked into Josh's, "Please do something"

Josh got on the bed and slapped Oli's hand, the one on his dick, away then grabbed both of his wrists, pinning them above his head. He reached to the rope and started tying his hands to the headboard, "That was a bad move, baby boy," He shook his head at Oli then moved to tie his ankles to the end of the bed as well. He looked down at the trembling angel, all tied up and under Josh's mercy, he groaned and straddled Oli's waist, resting his hands on both sides of his head.

All thoughts of taking things slowly left Oli's mind as all he thought about was wanting to be fucked senseless by his boyfriend.

Oli panted and looked up at josh with wide eyes, "J-Joshie...", he panted and tried to move his hips, to get any sort of friction. He gulped audibly and chuckled softly, licking his lips and shaking his head, "Come on, please, just do something".

Josh grabbed his neck and squeezed it a bit, "For the last time, baby boy, I'm the one in charge here", he leaned down to Oli's ear, "I get to choose when I fuck you", and he moved down to Oli's dick, taking him easily down his throat.

Oli gasped and arched his back, pulling at the ropes, "S-SIR!" He accidentally screamed at the sudden pleasure, "Aaah shit!" He lolled his head to the side burying his face into his own arm.

The blue-eyed man smirked, well, tried to since he had Oli's dick down his throat, at his boyfriend's reaction, and proceeded to suck him off.

The smaller man panted heavily then bucked his hips into Josh's mouth, causing him too deep throat him. "S-shit if you don't stop I'm gonna- ah!", he accidentally comes in Josh's mouth since he was extremely sensitive.

Oli fell back on the bed and panted loudly, "Shit Joshie," he blushed then looked down at the shocked Josh, who already swallowed his boyfriend's load, "I-Im so sorry", he pouted as he tried to regulate his breathing.

Josh chuckled and shook his head, licking Oli clean then wiping his mouth, "That was the hottest thing that's ever happened to me, Princess" he licked his lips then groaned, moving back to straddle Oli's waist, "You taste so good, fuck".

Oli blushed, "Yeah, yeah," he rolled his eyes, "It's just cum, Joshie", he licked his lips and looked up at Josh.

Josh shrugged his shoulders then moved to grab something from his drawer, "Well, baby boy, you tasted too sweet,", he moved back to Oli and spread his legs, sitting in between them. "Now, it's my turn to have fun, don't you think?". He placed his hand on Oli's thigh and showed Oli the lube in his other hand.

Oli's eyes widened then he accidentally blurted out, "No condom?", he realized what he asked then blushed even more, "I-I mean-".

The blue-eyed man moved his finger to his Angel's lips, shutting him up, "I'm clean, baby boy, are you?", he moved his finger down, dragging Olis plump lower lip a bit, the action causing the smaller man to whimper.

"I-Im clean, Joshie", he mumbled against Josh's finger.

Josh groaned and pushed his finger into Oli's mouth, "How many times do I have to tell you, baby boy,", he pushed his finger more into the boy's mouth, "I'm sir to you" he smiled at him before pulling his wet finger out of Oli's mouth before suddenly shoving it into Oli's tight hole.

The hazel-eyed boy gasped loudly and arched his back, still not used to the feeling of having something inside of him, "S-Sir! Fuck fuck, shit!", he closed his eyes and threw his head back on the pillows, arching his back as Josh moved his finger in and out slowly.

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