Property Of Josh

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Sorry about that last chapter, it had to be done :(

Josh will get better :)

Oliver groaned and shifted uncomfortably, he immediately opened his eyes when pain shot through his lower torso. Oli looked around the room rapidly and shuffled backwards when his eyes landed on Josh leaning up against the door frame with a cigarette. His back hit the wall and he groaned at the pain lingering on his stomach. He lifted up his jumper to see that the lower part of his stomach was wrapped in a large white bandage, he touched his cheek and felt a large bandaid covering the gash on his cheek. Memories of earlier flooded Oli's mind and he felt like he was going to throw up. His wrists were wrapped in fresh gauze and the blood on his face and neck had disappeared.

"Jaime and Tony convinced me to patch you up when they saw you" Josh took a drag and gave Oli a blank look. Oli nodded and his eyes furrowed in confusion when he heard a soft clinking of metal on metal. He looked around for the source of the noise but couldn't find it, he looked up at Josh who was pointed to his own neck. Oli looked at him in confusion and put a hand around his throat. His eyes widened when he felt something around it.

He looked down the best he could and saw a metal tag and an O ring, so he assumed Josh must have put a collar on him while he was out cold. Oli looked up at Josh in shock when he read the tag.

Property Of Josh

"Jaime told me the bandages have to stay on for a while, I still want people and you to always know that you are mine, so that is the next best thing" Josh smiled and exhaled smoke out of the side of his mouth. Oli shakily reached around to the back of his neck to try and take the collar off but stopped in his tracks when he felt the lock on the back. He heard a quiet jingling sound and looked up at Josh who was twirling a set of keys around his finger. Oli's face dropped.

"I changed your clothes for you since I don't trust you to be alone anymore," Josh said casually. Oli blushed and looked down to inspect the fresh clothing. It was just a plain oversized hoodie and a pair of tartan pajama pants. Nothing fancy. Oli nodded and played with the hem of his hoodie. Why is he being so calm about almost killing me last night- Oli's head shot up when he heard the floorboards creak.

Oli flinched away and cowered away in fear when Josh walked over and crouched down in front of him. Josh chuckled and took another drag of his cigarette.

"So, do you think you are going to try anything like that again?" Josh asked sarcastically. Oli hesitated out of fear and Josh's eyes darkened. He grabbed Oli's arm and pushed up the sleeve of his hoodie. He pressed the cigarette into the inside of Oli's wrist and laughed when Oli let out a pained scream.

"Too slow," Josh said calmly. Oli choked back a sob and yanked his arm out of Josh's grip. "Now would you like to try and answer that again," Josh said in a sickly sweet voice.

"N-no, I'm not going to try a-anything like t-that again," Oli said quietly.

"Good" Josh smiled at him sweetly and grabbed the ring on his collar and yanked him off the ground. Oli yelped and grabbed onto Josh's arm for support. "You have lost all your privileges along with my trust, so we are back to square one Pretty Boy" Josh glared into Oli's eyes, earning a small nod from the boy. "You are going to skip dinner tonight, I might consider letting you eat tomorrow but that all depends on how well you behave" Josh yanked Oli towards the closet and ordered him to sit down inside it. Oli obeyed and shakily sat down on the ground.

Josh let go of Oli and walked over to his desk, he knew Oli wouldn't pull another move like earlier but it was all a part of his lesson. He grabbed the tape and the cloth from their places and walked back over to Oli. Josh liked the tape more than rope, it was easier to use and take off. And it just looked neater to him. Oli's eyes widened and he went to move away but Josh sent him a warning glare. Oli sighed and held back the tears that were already forming in his eyes.

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