I Don't Wanna Be Alone

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I feel like making an emo bands as vines video-

For some reason, I was very motivated while I wrote this but I hope you enjoy :)

"Tell us when we get back, you need your rest," Tony said and Josh nodded.

"What do we do about Oli," Vic said sadly. They all looked over to the see hazel-eyed boy hysterically crying in the corner. Kellin slowly walked over to him and crouched down in front of the broken boy.

"Oli-" He started he reached a hand out to Oli.

"Stay away from me!" Oli cried. Kellin frowned and looked at Josh with sad eyes. Kellin tried moving closer to Oli to try and comfort him but the hazel-eyed boy moved away from him once more.

"Oli we need to get out of here," Kellin said softly. Oli ignored him and continued crying into his knees. He couldn't believe he had hurt Josh. Oli didn't want to hurt him, he just wanted to die. Tony walked Josh over to Oli and made him sit down in front of him. As soon as Josh sat down Oli threw himself onto his lap and wrapped his arms around him.

"I'm so sorry! He made me do it! I love you so much!" Oli cried into his chest. Josh wrapped his arms around the angel and stroked his hair to try and calm him down.

"It's ok Oli, he is gone now. He can't hurt you anymore. No one ever will" Josh said softly into Oli's ear. "and I love you too" Josh smiled at Oli and hugged him tighter.

"I just wanted to die so bad, he said he would kill me if I killed you! I didn't want to hurt you!" Oli sobbed. Josh let Oli cry into his chest until he was silent and his breathing was heavy and slow. He looked down to see that Oli had fallen asleep due to exhaustion. Josh unclipped the collar from around his neck and frowned at the red mark it had made.  He threw it against the wall and watched it shatter. Mike picked up the hazel-eyed boy from Josh's arms, He held Oli bridal style and Tony helped Josh up and the group left the room.

"Jesus Christ" Vic sighed. He draped an arm over Kellin's shoulder and they followed the rest of the guys out of the building and towards the car.

"I'm glad you guys came when you did, I would be dead meat if you didn't turn up" Josh winced as Mike and Tony helped Josh into the front seat.

"We got worried and bored" Vic chuckled. Josh gave him a lighthearted smile and turned around to face the guys in the back.

"Um, what's he doing here?" Josh growled at Lee.

"Since he is Oli's best friend I decided to keep him alive, he might be of use to us," Jaime said. Josh growled at Lee and turned back around to face the front, he crossed his arms and sighed.

The car dropped into an uncomfortable silence as Jaime started the car and drove to the house.

"We are more than happy that you and Oli are ok," Vic said. Kellin nodded and snuggled up to Vic's side, getting as far away from Lee as he could. The car we silent the entire ride home as everyone was either too shaken up or tired to engage in conversation. What would they talk about anyway? The only thing to really talk about was what happened but they decided against it while in the car.

They decided to talk about everything when they got home after Josh and Oli rested. They knew the subject of what happened was a sensitive topic for Josh and Oli.

Oli had his head resting against Mike's chest in the back seat when they arrived. Tony got out of the car first and helped Josh into the house. Mike picked Oli up and followed his boyfriend inside. Jaime took Lee into the basement and tied his wrists to a hook on the wall. Kellin ran into the house to check what Tony and Mike were doing and to see how he could help in any way. Vic watched his boyfriend run into the house and opened the trunk. Jordan smiled up at him and Vic gave him a blank stare.

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