I Love You Too

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So I made Emo Bands As Vines and it's now on youtube so go check it out, it's the most recent one :)

I hope you enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment ;)

sorry that I uploaded late :(

"I was thinking today we could just relax, I want you to feel comfortable again. We can talk about things when you are ready" Josh gave Oli a small smile and the boy just nodded in return. Oli wanted to feel comfortable so he was willing to do whatever it took to trust Josh again and make the voices stop.

"Do you wanna have a movie marathon today, and maybe later we could order some clothes. Since I will run out eventually" Josh laughed lightheartedly and Oli nodded, he smiled to himself snuggled up to Josh who grabbed the remote and switched the channels to Netflix.

Oli winced when the cuts on his arms brushed against Josh's shirt, he pulled away to look at them and frowned. Josh looked at him in concern and got out of the bed. Oli watched him in confusion. Is he leaving? Does he not love me anymore? It's the scars, isn't it? Oli frowned and hung his head.

Josh walked into the bathroom and came out with fresh bandages, Oli sighed in relief when Josh came back into the room. He thought Josh was going to leave him when he stood up without saying anything.

"What's your favorite movie genre?" Josh asked randomly, Oli looked at him in confusion.

"Uh, Horror" Oli said quietly. Josh sat down next to Oli and the boy moved so he could sit cross-legged in front of him.

"I like Horror movies as well" Josh smiled at him and held his hand out for Oli's arm.

The hazel-eyed boy gave Josh his arm and watched him bandage the cuts.
"Maybe we can watch some Horror movies today" Josh suggested. Oli couldn't remember the last time he watched a horror movie so he nodded eagerly.

"I really am more then happy that you are safe, I don't know what I would have done if Jordan killed you," Josh said quietly. Oli's heart broke when he heard what Josh said. He really must love me then-

Josh frowned at Oli's cuts again, he looked up at Oli sadly. Oli frowned and looked down.
"I'm sorry" Oli sighed and played with the hem of his shirt. 

"Oh baby, it's not your fault" Josh caressed the side of Oli's face and looked at him sadly.

"B-But I went with him, it's my fault" Oli looked up at Josh to see tears in his eyes. Oli didn't want Josh to cry over something he did. 

"None of what happened is your fault Oli, if it's anyone fault it's mine. I hurt you and drove you away. And I hate myself for it" Josh wiped away a tear that had fallen and went back to bandaging the last of the cuts on Oli's thigh.

"I don't know how you could love someone as ugly as me" Oli whispered. Josh's eyes snapped up to meet Oli's. He pulled Oli into a hug and kissed his forehead. 

"Don't ever say that about yourself, I love you so much and I will never stop loving you" Josh pulled back and looked into Oliver's eyes. Oli nodded and hugged Josh back.

"I love you too" Oli said softly, Josh grinned and pulled away so they could get back into bed. He couldn't wait till things were back to normal and they could be a proper couple.

Oliver hugged Josh's torso and looked toward the large TV where Josh was looking through movies. Josh decided on Scary Movie so he could lighten the mood and Oli smiled.

The hazel-eyed boy felt much safer in Josh's arms, Josh may have hurt him in the past but Oli was willing to put it aside so he could move on and get into a proper relationship with Josh. Oli's shattered heart was slowly being repaired. It was going to take a while for things to get back to normal. It would be painful and it would take a toll on both of them but the outcome at the end would be amazing for them.

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