Can I Join The Party

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Trigger warning: mentions of rape and Dahvie Vanity :/

I hope you enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment :)

Dahvie covered his mouth with his hand so he wouldn't scream and closed his eyes. The footsteps got closer and he held back a whimper. The footsteps were slow and taunting, to make matters worse the haunting footsteps were accompanied by the voice telling him to come out.

The footsteps stopped in front of him and he heard the sound of the switchblade being tapped on the table. He heard shuffling and backed away as much as he could while still being under the table.

"I know you're here, I can see you" Dahvie could hear the smirk in their voice and quickly got out from under the table. He guessed that it was the man with the fluffy hair by hearing their voice more than once and gulped. Dahvie ran in the first direction he placed his foot in and screamed in pain when his face collided with someone's fist. He fell onto the ground, hitting his head on the table in the process and quickly crawled under the table again.

"Oh look at that, I'm over here now" Dahvie heard him say. 

Oli chuckled as he wiped his hand on his shirt and crouched down so he could watch the man crawl under the table. He was enjoying every minute of tormenting the man and never wanted it to end. 

He watched as the man crawled to the other side of the table and ran to the door, he luckily made it out without bashing into the wall and disappeared from Oli's view. Oliver took his time walking out of the business room and into the hallway where he saw Dahvie running for the stairs.

Oli followed him silently and leaned up against the wall when Dahvie faced the stairs without knowing it. Oli leaned up against the wall opposite the stairs and watched as Dahvie placed his foot on the first stair. His footing wasnt right seeing as he couldnt see anything and he slipped forward. 

His face came in contact with the stairs before he could put his hands out and stop himself from falling. There was a sickening crack and Oli burst out laughing as he watched the man collapse on the stairs and grab his face to stop the pain. 

"Nice fall" Oli clapped his hands and Dahvie groaned in pain. He stood up off the stairs and used the wall as support. He walked forward blindly on wobbly legs and made his way down the hallway, eager to get away from Oli. 

Oli followed him down the hallway with his arms crossed and his knife in his pocket. the hazel-eyed boy snuck in front of Dahvie and flicked his forehead. The man shrieked and looked around for Oli. 

Oliver giggled and moved around so he could pull his hair from the back. Dahvie hit at his hand but Oli pulled back just in time so that he could go unnoticed and moved around so he could flick his head again.

"Stop it" Dahvie groaned. Oli shook his head even though Dahvie couldnt see him and continued pulling his hair and taunting him in the darkness. He eventually stopped so he could give Dahvie a chance and stood back. The man sighed heavily and felt around for Oli or a wall with shaky hands. He found the wall and ran his hand along it, finding the doors.

Oli watched as Dahvie started searching for the door handle on the sliding glass door that led to the pool. Oli chuckled as the man found the door handle and started yanking on it desperately.

"I don't think it's gonna open mate" Oli leaned up against the wall and watched as the man let go of the handle and looked around for Oli. 

"L-Look, where ever y-you are, I'm sorry, I-I wasnt actually gonna do a-anything I swear," He said, his voice cracking at the end. Oli shook his head and walked forwards slowly, making sure his footsteps echoed throughout the house. The hazel-eyed boy smirked as he watched Dahvie cower away in fear and try for the door handle again, using more force.

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