Easy Peasy

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Sorry I haven't been active much, after I finish this one I will take a break and start another fanfic :)

I hope you enjoy and don't forget to like and comment :)

"Holy shit" Josh breathed out is disbelief. It actually worked- Josh let out a sigh of relief and ran a hand through his messy hair. They sat in silence for a few minutes, trying to collect their thoughts and calm down.

Oli finally broke the silence and buckled his seatbelt. "Let's go then" Oli pointed to the GPS and Josh looked at him in slight confusion.

"But we don't know for sure if they are there," Josh said.  Oli shrugged and crossed his arms.

"We at least have to try" Oli replied. Josh couldnt help but to agree with him, he started up the car and pressed start on the GPS so it would take them to their destination. Oli was bouncing his leg up and down nervously as they drove in silence, eventually, Josh placed his hand on Oli's thigh comfortingly.

Oliver stopped bouncing his leg and looked up at Josh who had his eyes on the road. The blue-eyed man gave Oli's thigh a squeeze and Oli blushed. He expected Josh to pull his hand away so he could place it back on the wheel but he didn't. Josh began rubbing Oli's thigh soothingly causing Oli to let out a sigh and smile up at Josh.

"They will be ok Oli, don't worry" Josh took his attention off the road to quickly glace at Oli and give him a small but reassuring smile. Oli nodded and placed his hand on top of Josh's. Josh moved his hand so he could hold his boyfriend's and rubbed his thumb over the boy's knuckles. 

Even though they were rushing to basically save people's lives, Oli couldnt help but enjoy the small moment they were having. 

Josh turned onto the highway and Oli was shocked at how far Dahvie had gone for a plant nursery. They continued driving for an hour or so, Oli and Josh's hands stayed connected most of the time and were only separated when Josh had to use it on the wheel.

Oli stared out the window and watched as other cars passed by, his thoughts weren't going crazy but he was still thinking about a few too many things at once. He still couldnt believe how fast his life had changed, he had grown so attached and in love with Josh over weeks. He didn't know how it worked but he didn't care, all he cared about was Josh.

Oli smiled at the thought of Josh and brought his attention back to the hand in his own. "How much longer have we got, Joshie?" Oli yawned, suddenly realizing how tired he was. Josh chuckled at Oli yawning and looked at the GPS.

"Just over 40 minutes" Josh nodded to himself. "You should have a nap though, you seem pretty tired, Princess" Josh added sweetly. Oli nodded and let his head rest against the window. Yeah, sleep sounds pretty good. Oli closed his eyes and felt Josh squeeze his hand, Oli squeezed back and smiled softly. He was glad things had turned out the way they had. He wouldn't want it any other way.

Oli yawned and felt himself drift off to sleep as they continued driving down the highway.

"Wake up, Baby" Oli felt someone shake his shoulders lightly, he groaned and opened his eyes to see that they had arrived at an old house. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and stretched when Josh took his hands off his shoulders. He sat up in his seat and unbuckled his seatbelt. 

Josh extended a hand to Oli so he could help him out of the car, once the hazel-eyed boy was out of the car, Josh locked it and started walking towards the run-down looking house they had arrived at. Oli stretched once again and ran after Josh, he grabbed onto his boyfriend's arm and looked up at him.

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