Everything I Do Is Illegal

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Thank you so much @queenofrising and @ripmcr22 for commenting on my last chapters, it means a lot :)

And please check out their accounts :)

Oli opened his mouth to speak but shut it when nothing came out, tears were now streaming down his face. Josh stood in front of him with his arms crossed and a satisfied look on his face. When Mike and Vic brought the boy in for the first time Josh knew he had to have him. His slim figure, his curly chocolate brown hair and his tattoed body, And the more Josh studied the boy he wanted him more. But lucky for him, the boy was his.

Josh was watching the auction the entire time, he stood in the corner of the room next to the wooden doors that the items were lead through and watched everything play out. What he hadn't expected was for Jordan to put so much money on the boy, the fact that Jordan wanted him so much angered Josh. So as soon as he put 2 million on the line Josh called Kellin back and told him to cancel Jordan's request and take the boy off of the market. When Kellin hesitantly asked why Josh told him that he wanted the boy all to himself. With Josh being the boss of the auctions and the man who ran things the request was easily fulfilled, but at what cost.

Josh had a soft spot for Kellin, Vic and Josh were best friends so when Vic asked if his boyfriend could join their "gang" Josh easily said yes for the sake of keeping his best friend happy, and Kellin was very helpful in the end. So when Josh saw the raven-haired boy leaving the auction room in distress he asked him what was wrong and Kellin easily told him.

"Jordan walked past us on his way out, and he said he would get Oliver one way or another" Ah, so that's his name. Kellin was borderline shaking by the time he had finished, it may not have seemed like a big deal to other people but when a gang leader basically threatens another gang it's a big deal. Josh's eyes darkened and he let out a shaky breath.

"Thank you for telling me, Kells. We will have a talk about it with all of the guys later on, okay?" Josh thanked Kellin and ran a hand through his hair, this was a big fucking deal. Jordan was a dangerous man and when he said he wanted something he always got it. Josh couldn't allow that.

Josh snapped back out of his previous thoughts and focused back on the matter at hand, the crying angel in front of him. Josh really did think Oli was an angel, he must have been, he was just too perfect for a world like this. Even though Josh thought Oli was an angel he wasn't afraid to play rough to prove a point. 

Oli couldn't think straight, his head was spinning and his mind was going crazy. Before he could stop himself he said something he would later regret. Oli wasn't exactly thinking about the outcome he just spoke.

"N-No" Oli clenched his eyes shut as the tears kept pouring out, he wanted out. He wanted to go home and get away from all the psychos. He didn't care what he had to do he just wanted to go home.

"I'm sorry what?" Josh scoffed

"I said n-no" Oli stuttered out. Fuck, you always have to go and ruin things for yourself. Nice one, dumbass.

"And why should I listen to you, Huh?" Josh shifted his weight onto another foot and glared at Oli. Oliver felt a wave of confidence hit him and he suddenly felt the urge to stand up to the dickhead in front of him. He wasn't exactly in any position to do so but he was gonna give it a try.

"Because w-what your doing is f-fucking illegal and you should just let me go" Oli glared back up at Josh. Josh let out a chuckle.

"Everything I do is illegal, do I fucking care? No, I don't" Josh spat.

"Well, you should care because this is people's lives your messing with, your ruining people's lives" Oli countered in a harsh tone. Fuck this guy. The tears had stopped but his cheeks were still stained with the tear tracks. 

"And who the fuck are you to tell me what I can and can't do?" Josh placed his hands on his hips and tilted his head, To say that he was enjoying this was an understatement. Josh was having too much fun. Oli was a feisty one, Vic was right about that. Josh was going to play this out for as long as it would take, he wanted Oli to show his true colors.

"Fuck you" Oli hissed under his breath, This Josh guy was really starting to get on his nerves.

"I'm sorry what was that," Josh asked in a fake cheerful tone, He took two steps forward and saw Oliver visibly tense up each time he moved.

"Fuck you" Oli growled, At this point, Oli didn't care about the consequences. Josh furrowed his eyebrows, no one has ever spoken to him like that, no one would ever dare to. Josh chuckled again but it was cut short by Oli, he swung his leg into Josh's ankles, causing him to trip and fall over. Oli huffed in victory. Finally, he has shut the fuck up. Josh groaned in discomfort on the hard floor and slowly lifted himself up off of the floor.

 Oli tugged at the ropes once again and hung his head in defeat when they wouldn't come undone. Wonderful, you are really Fucking smart Oli. Now he is angry and you're stuck here with him. Josh hissed in pain and clutched his shoulder.

"I guess that's karma" Josh hissed. Oli was confused as to why Josh was so calm about his sudden outburst. If Josh was being honest he was kind of proud of Oli for what he did, Josh wanted Oli to lead by his side someday, so Oli's anger might come in handy. But obviously, he was still pretty mad about it. He needed to show Oli what happens when you step out of line or disobey him. He needed to punish him.

Josh stalked forward and grabbed Oli by the collar of his sweater, lifting him up off the floor. Oli growled and pulled back but Josh was stronger. Josh pulled him forward and slammed him back into the wall. Oli yelped and winced at the pain blossoming in the back of his head.

"You need to learn your place" Josh growled, He clenched Oli's sweater tighter in his hand and looked straight into the other's eyes. Oli shook his head and spat in Josh's face.

"Fuck. You" Oli flung his head forward and collided it with Josh's, the collision sent Josh stumbling back and caused him to let go of Oli. Josh had his head in his hands and was mumbling things under his breath, probably swear words. Oli was breathing heavily and he stayed against the wall. Fucking hell, you did it again. Fuck.

"Now you have fucking done it"Josh lunged forward and grabbed Oli's arm, yanking the boy behind him. Oli yelped at the sudden movement and pulled back against Josh, eager to get out of his grip. Josh tugged Oli out of the room and down the hallway. Oli struggled against his grip and fought to escape.

"Let me go you cunt!" Oli screamed. Oliver continued spitting profanities and insults at Josh the whole way out of the building. "Fuck you! Let me fucking go!" Josh had his eyes focused on the path in front of him and led the other out of the building and into a car park. Josh tightened his Grip on Oli's arm and dug his nails into his flesh. Oli thrashed around in his grip.

Josh dragged Oli to a black SUV and pinned him to the side of the car. "If you fucking kick my tail lights out you will never see daylight again" Josh glared daggers into Oli. Oliver didn't respond but he understood. Josh nodded and opened the trunk of the car.

"No! Fuck Off!" Oli yelled as he was harshly pushed down into the trunk. Josh slammed the door shut and walked around to the front of the car. He climbed in and sighed.

"Josh-" Jaime started. The others in the back gave him warning glances then darted their eyes to Josh.

"Just drive" Josh hissed. Jaime sighed and started up the car. Josh rested his head on the car window and closed his eyes. Oliver is going to be more of a handful then I thought. You could faintly hear Oli screaming at Josh to fuck off from the trunk, but it didn't really bother any of the guys in the car.

"Can we stop at McDonald's on the way?" Kellin casually asked from the back seat where he had his head on Vic's lap. Mike shook his head and Tony chuckled.

"Not right now babe, we can go later ok" Vic sighed as he played with Kellin's hair.

"Nobody will hear him" Kellin huffed. "I just wanted a McFlurry" After Kellin's Mcdonald's request, the car was silent for the rest of the trip.

Sorry for my really bad writing and editing, I'm trying :)

I hope you enjoyed :)

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