I Don't Think That's Going To Work

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Sorry, I haven't updated in a couple of days, I haven't had any motivation and I've been really tired but I'm back now :) 

Sorry if the chapters are going to be a bit shorter from now on, I'm planning on writing a bit less but also writing more chapters :)

Oli's mind was swarmed with questions that needed to be answered as he was dragged off of the stage and back through the big wooden doors he entered through. Why the fuck was Lee here? What was he doing? Why was he at the table that "Mr. Fish" was at? What did Mr fish want with me? Why did he say that to me? What the fuck is going on? And who the fuck is The Boss and why do they want me?! Oli gulped and continued to let himself be lead down the hallway by a very mad but scared-looking Kellin.

Oli was feeling betrayed and confused, he had no idea Lee was possibly in a "gang" Like that thought never would have crossed his mind, but as he thought about it, he started to connect the dots. Lee owned a gun and kept it in his room, he always had weed and he always did go out for a day or two a couple of times a month, He always came back from wherever he was late at night, Oli had never heard he speak of having a proper job, and most of the time he came back either mad or just normal. 

Oli knew that wasn't enough evidence or a lot of reasons to accuse someone of that but it's all he had. But Lee didn't look like someone who would be in a gang though. Oli sighed, his best friend who didn't even bother to tell him that he was in a gang, was at the auction that Oli was about to be sold at.

The thing that triggered Oli's anger was that Lee didn't even do anything about it, he just ran off after making a scene.

He could have gotten Oli out of that place.

He could have stopped them.

He could have saved Oli from this mess.

But he didn't.

Oliver could feel his blood boiling, he felt the anger bubbling inside of him. Something about the fact that Lee did nothing to help him angered Oli to the point of the boy wanting to punch something, preferably something or someone close to him which unfortunately happened to be the short-tempered raven-haired boy next to him. But he couldn't punch or do anything with his arms tied tightly behind his back, this only angered Oli more. Oli grit his teeth and tugged on the ropes binding his wrists together tightly. He didn't want to go with Kellin, He didn't want to be here, He wanted to go home.

Oliver was so deep into his thoughts that he hadn't realized Kellin had taken him into the room he was in the first time he arrived. Oli grunted in discomfort as Kellin forced him onto the ground. Oli shuffled back to the wall and brought his knees up to his chest. Kellin sighed and glared at Oli.

"Stay here" Kellin walked out of the room and slammed the door shut, causing Oli to flinch and back up into the wall more.

"It's not like I can go anywhere" Oli hissed under his breath and glared at the door.

After 10 minutes or so of staring at the door, it finally opened and a familiar face walked in. Jaime walked over to Oli and kneeled down in front of him. Oli visibly relaxed and brought his knees down from his chest so he could sit cross-legged in front of Jaime. He didn't exactly trust him but he trusted him more than Vic or Kellin.

"So I heard you got picked by Jordan, how come you are here and not with him?" Jaime finally spoke. Oli gave him a confused look. Jordan? Does he mean Mr. Fish?

"Sorry, "Mr. Fish", His first name is Jordan but we have to use formal speak in auctions" Jaime sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Oli nodded as his suspicions were confirmed.

"I- He did "pick me" but I got t-taken back here because a-apparently "the boss wants" me or w-whatever, and "Jordan" got really mad at V-Vic and he told me he 'will get me" or w-whatever" Oli blurted out, He realized he may have made a mistake as he saw Jaime's eyes widen.

"Oh-" Jaime visibly gulped and stood up. Oli gave him a confused look.

"I-is that bad? I d-don't really understand a-anything that's going on here-" Oli shut his mouth when Jaime hastily sped out of the room. What the fuck? Oli could feel his anger boiling again, his only company bailed and left him on his own with a bunch of insane people running about the place. Oli's previous thoughts came back to him and he tugged on the ropes again. He wanted to get out and punch shit and break things, he mainly just wanted to get away first. But he wanted answers, Maybe he could interrogate Lee if he ever saw him again. Fuckin bastard! 

Once again Oli was so caught up in his thoughts and attempts at escaping that he hadn't realized someone had entered the room and was leaning up against the door frame, watching him struggle to break free of the ropes binding his wrists with a smirk on their face and a cigarette between their lips.

"I don't think that's going to work"

Oli yelped and his head snapped up to look at the figure standing by the door. Oli visibly tensed up and brought his knees back up to his chest as the figure walked forward towards him. As the figure moved more into the light, Oli identified him as a man, a very hot man if Oli might add. The man crouched in front of Oli and took the cigarette out from between his lips and held it in his hand. He Gazed down at Oli and looked him up and down with bright blue eyes. 

He nodded to himself and took a drag from his cigarette, Oli watched him with caution the entire time. The man inhaled the smoke then blew it back into Oli's face. Oliver cringed and moved his head away from the smoke. Oli didn't mind the fact that the man was smoking in front of him, he just didn't like it being blown into his face. The man chuckled and leaned in closer so he could inspect Oli's face again. Why the fuck is everyone doing this? He nodded to himself once again and smirked, Oli felt extremely uncomfortable. He furrowed his eyebrows and he felt the anger crawling back up his spine. Can this mother fucker please just say something or fuck off.

"Hm, you will do just nicely" The man smiled to himself and took another drag, he exhaled the smoke out of the corner of his mouth. Oli was pissed at how arrogant this man was acting. Honestly, everything was pissing Oli off today.

"And what the fuck is that supposed to mean" Oliver blurted out. Fuck-. The man's eyes darkened and he glared at Oli.

"You will not speak to me like that" He growled. Oli only furrowed his eyebrows once more in return. No, fuck you.

"And why shouldn't I" Oli glared back at the man and hummed in satisfaction as he saw the man's face drop. But his victory was short-lived as the man gave him an evil smile. Oli gulped. The man leaned forward so that his face was only centimeters away from Oli's.

"Because if you do, things like this will happen" The man answered in a serious tone. Oli furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. What?- Oli's thought was answered when the man pressed the end of his cigarette into Oli's slightly exposed collar bones. Oli let out a scream as the man dug the cigarette into his tattoed skin. It was surely going to leave a mark. The man pulled back and looked at the whimpering boy in front of him, He was sure going to have fun breaking this one.

Oli held back tears as he whimpered and cowered away in fear in front of the man, all his anger had vanished and was now replaced with fear towards the man. His skin burned and ached where the man had pressed his lit cigarette to. The man stood up and flicked his cigarette at the scared boy in front of him. Oli yelped and flinched away. The man smirked down at Oli and licked his lips.

"My names Josh, and I'm The Boss"

Oli's eyes widened at what Josh had said. He's the boss?! Oh, I'm fucked, I'm absolutely fucked. Oli looked up at the man with wide eyes.

"And I own you now, Pretty boy"

I hope you guys enjoyed :)

I will try to update soon again, I wrote this at like 2am so if it's bad or badly edited then I'm sorry.

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