Awww It's A Squirrel

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I hope you enjoy some fluff-


Oli blushed and nodded. His ass hurt but he loved every second of what just happened. Except maybe getting forgotten about. His night didn't go as planned but if he was being honest it went better. Oliver melted against the side of the tub and closed his eyes. He heard shuffling around and then the sound of the door being opened. His eyes shot opened and he saw Josh opening the door.

"Where are you going?" Oli asked.

"I will be right back, I'm just gonna get something" Josh smiled at him sweetly and closed the door behind him. The hazel-eyed boy shrugged and closed his eyes once more. Oli washed himself and his hair while he waited for Josh.

He loved Josh washing his hair but he wanted to give his boyfriend a break. Josh came back 10 minutes later with an expensive-looking bottle of wine and two glasses.

Oli felt his heart explode at the sight and ran a hand through his hair to get it out of his face. He moved forward so he could lean up against the side of the tub and looked down at Josh who had sat cross-legged on the floor.

He stared at his blue-eyed boyfriend in adoration and sighed in content as Josh poured two glasses of wine.

"You have no idea how much I love you" Josh sighed. Oli grinned at him and felt his face heat up.

"I love you too Joshie," Oli said softly, Josh passed him one of the glasses and the two lovers clinked them together before taking a sip.

They drank together in comfortable silence and simply enjoyed each other's company. Once they had finished their glasses of very expensive wine Josh broke the silence.

"Ok so, it is really nice outside and I don't think you have properly seen what it looks like" Josh started. Oli nodded and pushed away the memories of himself trying to run away from Josh. "So would you like to go for a walk with me?" Josh asked innocently.  Oli's eyes lit up and he nodded. The hazel-eyed boy got out of the bath as fast as he could with a still sore ass.

He grabbed the nearest towel and started drying himself off. Oli wrapped the towel around his waist and ran out of the bathroom. He heard Josh chuckle and the clinking of glasses as Josh followed him out of the room. He placed the glasses and half-empty bottle on the desk and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Someone is a bit excited" Josh laughed as Oli grabbed a pair of boxers, black skinny jeans, a black sweater, a band shirt, and a pair of converse. The hazel-eyed boy got dressed as fast as he could while Josh just put on some combat boots casually. Josh grabbed his grey beanie and put it on while he waited at the door of the bedroom door for his boyfriend.

Oli finished getting dressed and shakily walked over to Josh. His ass was still sore from the previous events so he made grabby hands at Josh so he could pick him up. Josh chuckled and bent down so Oli could get on his back. Oli giggled and wrapped his arms around Josh's neck.

The blue-eyed man held Oli's thighs to keep him in place and walked out of the room. Oli rested his head on Josh's shoulder and smiled. Josh walked down the stairs carefully and huffed in satisfaction when they made it down safely. He walked past into the kitchen to grab whatever snacks they had. Vic, Kellin, and Jaime were sitting at the table engaged in a friendly conversation.

"Could you guys be any louder?" Vic chuckled, taking a sip from his soda. Josh thought about it then nodded. Vic's eyes widened and he spat out his drink. "Wait but Josh was down here when-" Kellin held back laughter at his boyfriend's confusion and Jaime's eyes widened. "Oh my god-" Vic blushed in embarrassment and Kellin burst out laughing.

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