You Can't Be Serious

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Oli tugged on the ropes harshly and screamed into the gag. He had never wanted to get away from someone more then he wanted to get away from Jordan.

"You are still so loud holy fuck" Jordan dragged his hand down his face and moved back onto Oli's thighs. Oli cursed and yelled into the gag but Jordan just ignored him.

"Since I really like your tattoos, I'm not going to cut you where u have them" Jordan sighed. "I wonder if your thighs have tattoos. If so I'm just going to have to find something else to do" Oli's eyes widened and he struggled more. Fucking hell! Fuck Fuck Fuck! Oli held back tears when Jordan lifted his skirt up to expose his thighs. Jordan smiled smugly and ran his hand up Oli's thigh. Oliver tensed up and glared at Jordan.

"You have very nice skin, what a shame it would be to destroy it" Jordan laughed and slowly lowered the blade onto Oli's thigh. He decided he was going to carve symbols and words into Oli's thighs. Just to piss Josh off, If he ever saw him again that is. Jordan planned on keeping Oli for a while, Jordan knew Oli would make a great pet. He just needed to break him first.

Jordan decided to start off by carving "Horizon" into the boy's thigh, he wanted to fit the whole word so he chose to carve it going up his thigh. Oli watched Jordan in terror as he lowered the blade, It touched Oli's skin and the boy shivered at its coldness. Jordan smiled and started on the first letter, He wasn't going to go too deep because he wanted Oli to stay conscious while he did it. Oli pleaded at Jordan to stop through the gag, tears were flowing down his face. Please no! Not again! Josh where the fuck are you?!

Oli was starting to think that Josh had forgotten about him and hated him for going with Jordan. He was scared that he might be right but the hazel-eyed boy tried to push the thoughts away. Oli didn't know how long he had been at the Horizon base for anyways.

Oli let out a muffled scream when Jordan slowly pushed the blade into his thigh. He dragged it upwards agonizingly slow. Jordan laughed at Oli's despair and continued with carving the first letter. Hot tears were flowing down Oli's cheeks and he cried into the gag.

All of his emotions and pain came flowing through tears as Jordan's blade painted Oli's thighs with a crimson color. After an agonizing 10 minutes or so Jordan had finished carving the word into Oli's thigh. Oli sobbed and begged through the gag but Jordan just laughed.

"Hmmm What should I do now?" Jordan tapped the blade on his chin to mimic thinking and his eyes lit up when he had an idea. He chose to carve the Horizon logo into the top of Oli's thigh.  Jordan had a theme going on. He was going to claim to Josh that he had been playing with Oli. And he was going to leave the evidence permanent.

Oli's breathing was short and fast. His head pounded and his thigh burned. He could feel the blood slowly start to drip down the side of his thigh and soak into the mattress. Jordan smirked and broke into an insane fit of laughter as he carved his gang's logo into the hazel-eyed boy. Oli screamed as Jordan pressed the blade in deeper than the first time. Oli's breathing became heavy and he clenched his eyes shut. Actually fucking kill me! Like right fucking now! I can't take this! Oli let out another muffled scream when Jordan finished the logo and pressed his palm into it.

Jordan lifted the blade up to his face and licked Oli's blood off the knife. Oli wished for either death or Josh. Josh would be better though. Jordan didn't know what he should carve next so he just decided on a smiley face and a frowny face on Oli's other thigh. He smiled creepily as he carved the faces into Oli's skin.

He smirked as Oli jolted back into reality when the blade went through his skin like butter. His mind was numb but his body had yet to follow it. He felt every single thing and knew that it wouldn't be the last thing Jordan did.

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