You Don't Have A Choice

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Sorry again :(

Don't forget to vote and comment and I hope you enjoy a roller coaster of emotions-

Jordan let go of Josh's hair and smiled down at him. Josh struggled in the chair but it was way too tight for any sort of movement. Josh growled at Jordan and looked at Oli. His glare softened and he could see the terror and pain in Oli's eyes. He looked at Oli's chest and gasped. He was covered in bites, hickeys, and burns. Jordan smirked and walked towards Oli.

"I was going to fuck him in front of you but I think I have a better idea" Jordan turned Oli over so he was on his back.

"Get the fuck away from him" Josh growled. Jordan ignored him and untied the hazel-eyed boy's ankles. Oli furrowed his eyebrows in confusion but didn't complain.

"I swear to god if you have touched him I will rip you apart" Josh struggled against the ropes and glared daggers into Jordan.

"I was in the middle of it but you interrupted me, now I'm not in the mood" Jordan laughed. "But I will have my way with him once you leave the picture" Jordan smiled to himself and Oli's breathing hitched. Does he mean what I think he means? Oli gulped and tried to push that thought to the back of his mind. Before Jordan untied Oli's arms, he slipped a collar around Oliver's neck.

"Now this is a shock collar, if you try anything then you know what happens" Jordan whispered in Oli's ear. Oliver nodded and Jordan untied the rope from around Oli's wrists and above his elbows. He untied the gag and Oli rubbed his wrists soothingly. He sat up and ran a hand through his hair. He wanted to run over to Josh but he knew Jordan would shock him if he even tried. He kept his head down and played with the hem of the skirt.

Josh looked at Oli with soft and worried eyes. He felt so bad for Oli, he never wanted him to go through any more pain ever again. Jordan waved the remote for the collar around and Josh glared at him. Josh didn't have any words to describe the amount of anger that was coursing through his veins. He wanted to bash Jordan's skull in until he was unrecognizable. He wanted to kill him and kill him again for hurting and touching the love of his life. He wanted to destroy him from the inside out for hurting his angel.

He stayed silent because he didn't want to blow up on Jordan, he didn't want to make the situation worse for Oli or himself. Hopefully, its already been 4 hours- Josh sighed and kept his eyes on Jordan. He wanted to ignore the fact that Jordan almost raped Oli before he got there. Josh was glad he got to the building when he did.

Jordan yanked Oli up with a strong grip on his arm. Oli yelped but stood up. He almost fell down because his legs were so weak and his thighs still ached but he managed to stay upright. He looked up at Jordan to see him smirking back down at him. Jordan grabbed Oli's wrists and pinned him against the wall. Josh growled at him and kept his eyes on Oli's scared face.

 Jordan pressed himself against Oli and the hazel-eyed boy whimpered. He shut his eyes and turned his head away from Jordan. He would have kicked him or fought back but Jordan had the remote to the collar and Josh's life was on the line. Oli didn't care if he died, he just wanted Josh to live. And Josh thought the opposite, he didn't care if he died he just wanted Oli to live.

Jordan connected his mouth to Oli's neck and began leaving more marks. Oli groaned and wanted to move away but the shock collar reminded him not to try anything. Oli opened his eyes to see Josh glaring at them, he gave Josh a pleading look and let out an involuntary moan when Jordan sucked on his sweet spot. Josh felt tears spill down his cheeks as he watched Jordan violate and use what he loved. Jordan moved up to Oli's jaw then crashed their lips together. Oli didn't kiss back at first but then Jordan tightened his grip on his wrists and he forced himself to kiss back. He was more than terrified of Jordan. Jordan forcefully kissed Oli then pulled away. He licked up the side of Oli's face and whispered in his ear.

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