I Know He Does

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"Well that was unexpected" Matt cleared his throat. Kellin pressed the gun into the back of his head harder.

"Drop the gun and get on your knees" Kellin growled. Oli was still frozen in shock. He just shot them without hesitating- Oli's heart was pounding and he couldn't take his eyes off of Austin and Alan's dead bodies. Josh dropped his gun and ran over to Oli to help him up but the boy flinched away and stood up himself. Josh furrowed his eyebrows in confusion when Oli ran over to Jaime and wrapped his arms around his torso. Jaime's eyes widened and he stared at Oli and then at Josh. Josh shot him a confused and hurt look but Jaime just shrugged.

"Aw someone has been replaced" Matt laughed. Kellin pulled the gun back and hit Matt over the head with it. He fell unconscious onto the ground and Vic walked forward to Kellin. Jaime only hugged Oli back when the hazel-eyed boy started crying. He rubbed his back soothingly and shot Josh a concerned look. Josh shrugged it off as Oli just being a bit shaken up that he had shot two of his close friends in the head in front of him. He just needed some space. Josh gulped and hoped that was the case.

 Vic embraced Kellin in a hug and kissed him gently. Kellin blushed and kissed him back.

"You saved the day baby" Vic grinned at Kellin.

"Yeah, thanks Kells" Tony smiled at Kellin and walked up to Austin and Alan's bodies.

"I'm just gonna take him inside," Jaime told Josh. He pulled away from Oli and walked him inside and up to the spare room. Josh watched them walk away and then walked over to the other guys.

"Do you think Oli will be ok?" Josh asked as he picked Matt up and threw him over his shoulder.

"Yeah, he is just scared at the moment" Tony added. He motioned for Mike to come over and help him drag the bodies around to the back of the house where they could dispose of them. Josh nodded and carried Matt into the house with Kellin and Vic close behind.

"Why did Austin betray us and help Jordan?" Vic asked.

"Money, Jordan knew om&m was struggling so he offered them something they couldn't refuse" Josh sighed. "Sadly, he chose money over out friendship" Josh added sadly.

"Do you think Jordan will send someone over to save Matt?" Kellin asked. He held onto Vic's arm as they walked into the gym and down to the basement.
"I have no idea, but he won't hurt you or anyone else. We'll make sure of it" Vic kissed Kellin on the head and followed Josh down to the basement. Kellin nodded.

"We just have to keep a lookout" Josh sighed. That was a close one, if Kellin didn't show up then Oli might have been taken away from me. 

Josh told Vic to pull up a chair from the back of the basement and grab whatever they had to restrain Matt. Josh put Matt in the chair and tied his wrists tightly behind the chair. Kellin leaned against the wall and watched Josh and Vic tie Matt to the chair while he glared daggers into the dusty blonde-haired man. Kellin's life was just starting to get back on track, he was finally happy again. But Jordan had to just come along and threaten to ruin it for the second time. This wasn't the first time Jordan had pulled a stunt like this. But that's a story for another day. 

Josh and Vic finished tying up Matt and stood up.

"We will question him tomorrow" Josh sighed. He would question him today but he needed to make sure Oli was ok. He owed Oli an explanation. He was planning on telling him tomorrow, but Oli found out today. And not in the way Josh wanted. Josh felt bad for killing Austin and Alan, but he had to do what necessary. Even if that meant blowing his long time friend's brains out and scaring away the love of his life once again.

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