Why Don't You Join Me

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So I drew Oli from the fanfic the other day and I'm actually proud of it :)

I hope you enjoy and I didn't feel comfortable writing smut so I got my friend to write it for me, so thank so much ily :)

Thank you sooooo much @amo.mp3 for writing the smut. 


Josh carried the blood-covered boy up the stairs and out of the basement, he closed the door and walked out of the gym. Oli traced patterns onto Josh's shoulder and hummed in content. He ignored the blood dripping from his hair and clothes leaving a small bloody trail from the basement to Josh's room.

Josh opened the door and pushed Oli against the wall. The boy threw his head back and closed his eyes at the impact. Josh held Oli's thighs to keep him up and connected his mouth to his boyfriend's neck. Oli wrapped his arms around Josh's neck and let out a shaky moan. Josh kissed up to his jaw and then pulled away. He rested his forehead against Oli and looked at him with lust-filled eyes. Blood was being spread on Josh's white bedroom walls be he couldn't care less.

"How about you take a bath and then we can get down to business" Josh smirked and Oli nodded. He carried the boy into the bathroom and put him down on the counter like he had multiple times. He turned on the water and put in some bubble bath. Josh turned around to find Oli shirtless and taking off his bandages. He wouldn't need to put them back on seeing as the wounds were healing fast.

Josh could feel himself getting slightly turned on at the sight of Oli shirtless with blood still covering his face and most of his chest. Josh looked him up and down and his eyes roamed Oli's tattoos. Oli jumped off the counter and pulled down his shorts leaving him in only his boxers. Josh felt his face heat up and he turned around to give Oli some privacy.

Oli chuckled and shook his head. His sudden best of craziness and the past events had changed Oli so much, he wasn't as shy and timid as he was when he arrived and he was happy about it. He was more confident and much more himself then he had ever been in his life. Oli knew he had changed for the better. He liked this version of himself and he knew Josh did as well. 

Oli walked up behind Josh and lifted up the hem of his shirt, Josh willingly lifted up his arms and let Oli throw his shirt to the ground. The hazel-eyed boy walked in front of Josh and looked him up and down. He smirked and ran his hands over Josh's chest. 

"Why don't you join me?" Oli asked seductively, he fluttered his eyelashes at Josh and the man nodded. How could he say no to Oli, he didn't want to and he wasnt going to. Oli smirked and walked back to the tub where he took off his boxers and go into the water. He sighed and let his head fall back so he could lean against the wall of the tub. He closed his eyes and smiled to himself when he heard the sound of clothes being throw to the ground.

Oli felt Josh get into the tub and opened his eyes to find the man mirroring his position opposite him. The tub was very big and could probably fit more than two people in it. Josh was very rich from the looks of it. 

The water slowly turned from clear to a coppery color as Oli soaked his blood-covered body in it. He sat up in the tub and moved towards Josh so he could straddle him. Josh's eyes shot open and his breathing hitched when he felt Oli's naked body come into contact with his. Oli wrapped his arms around Josh's neck. Oli bit his lip as Josh put his hands on the hazel-eyed boy's hips.

"Hey", whispered Oli against Josh's ear.

Josh gulped audibly and closed his eyes, Oli's seductive tone sending chills down his spine. "I love you", he whispered in Oli's ear and started nibbling on his earlobe.

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