Karma's A Bitch

141 8 37

This is one of my favorite photos of Oli

I hope you enjoy ;)


Oli shut his eyes and took a deep breath. He can't hurt you anymore, it's fine. He stepped out from behind Josh and stood beside him. Josh kicked Jordan's leg again and growled.

"I swear to god I will rip you apart if you speak again" Josh glared at Jordan with such intensity that you would think his smile would drop, but It didn't. Jordan kept his eyes trained on Oli and that's when the voices started. You are such a fucking pussy, it's so funny how you are scared of a man who can't even move. It's amazing how Josh can deal with your crybaby ass, or maybe he just feels sorry for you. He doesn't want to get rid of you because you might kill yourself. What a shame, he probably doesn't even love you.

Oliver put his hands over his ears and shook his head.

"Shut up Shut up Shut up!" He screamed. The voices got louder and harsher and Oli fell to his knees on the floor. He felt Josh wrap an arm around him to try and comfort him. Aww, he is just trying to get you to shut up, no one likes your crying. Oli heard Jordan laugh and the voices stopped immediately, his eyes shot open and he stood up. Josh looked at him with a worried frown and stood up as well.

"Are you ok baby?" Josh asked, Oli ignored him and looked at Jordan emotionlessly. The only emotion Oli felt was blinding rage. Oli kept his face blank but inside his blood was boiling and he could feel the blood start to drip out of his hands as he pressed his nails into his palms.

Oli's eyebrows furrowed and he stared at Jordan. How can he be so calm and happy, he basically destroyed me. I fucking loathe him. Oli growled at Jordan and clenched his fists at his side. Oli stalked forward and swung his fist into Jordan's cheek. Josh winced at the sickening crack that came from the collision and looked at Oli in shock. I knew he could throw a punch but wow-

Oli grabbed the collar of Jordan's shirt and punched him again. Oli didn't know what he was doing or how he had the confidence to do it but he loved it. No wonder Josh beat him up, it was fun. Oli was furious, he wanted Jordan to pay for what he did. Something inside of Oli snapped when he punched Jordan for the first time, all he wanted to do was cut him open and play in his blood.

Oli felt a hand on his shoulder and he snapped his head to be met by Josh with a concerned look on his face. Oli gave Josh a sickly sweet smile and let go of Jordan.

"Is everything ok?" Josh asked hesitantly, he could tell Oli had lost it. No sane person had that look on their face and darkness in their eyes, Josh saw it on Jordan one two many times. Oli nodded and smiled.

"Everything is perfect, do you need him alive?" Oli said in a sickly sweet voice, Josh gulped and shook his head. He had no idea where this version of Oli had come from and he didn't know if it scared him or if he liked it. Jordan chuckled and spat out a mixture of spit and blood onto the floor. Oli sauntered towards Josh and pressed himself up against his boyfriend.

"Do you have any knives?" He asked seductively. Josh slowly nodded and pointed to the table at the back of the room. Oli kissed his jaw and walked to the table. Oli didn't know where he got the confidence from but he felt great, he felt so alive. Hopefully, Josh won't mind-

Oli picked up the biggest knife from the table and bowie machete. He smiled to himself and walked back to Jordan and Josh.

"Are you sure you want to do this Oli?" Josh asked softly. Oli nodded and smiled again.

"I'm absolutely certain" Oli mimicked what Jordan had said at the auction and turned back towards the man in the chair. Josh shivered at the intensity of the darkness in his boyfriend's eyes and slowly nodded. Josh looked over to Lee who was watching them with wide eyes. Lee had never seen Oli act like this. Josh and Lee exchanged concerned looks and Josh stood back so he could watch from a safe distance.

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