It Won't Stop

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Ghost town is so underrated and it's sad coz their music is so good

Thank you so much @ amo.mp3 on Instagram for helping me with ideas for most of the recent chapters :)

I hope you enjoy and don't forget to comment and vote :)

Oli wet his hair and leaned back so Josh could wash it for him. Oli will admit that he was still slightly scared of Josh. He was scared of everyone. Oli didn't know who was nice and who would hurt him anymore. But he tried to trust Josh again. So maybe Josh washing Oli's hair would help the hazel-eyed boy learn to trust him again.

Josh began washing Oli's hair with shampoo first, he massaged it into his scald and Oli visibly relaxed at the feeling. Josh began humming along to a random tune softly while he massaged Oli's head. Oliver purred at the feeling and closed his eyes. Josh chuckled and told Oli to wash the shampoo out of his hair.

Oli huffed when Josh stopped massaging him and did as he was told. He washed the shampoo out of his hair and leaned back against the tub. Josh massaged conditioner into Oli's hair and began properly massaging his head. Oli purred again without knowing it and opened his eyes when Josh stopped.

"You know you purr sometimes" Josh chuckled lightheartedly. Oli felt his face heat up and he closed his eyes again when Josh resumed what he was doing. After 10 minutes Josh told Oli to rinse his hair, Oli washed out the conditioner and hummed in content.

He felt so much better, he felt clean and rid of Jordan's touch. Sure the hickeys and bruises would be gone immediately but he already felt cleaner.

A lingering voice in the back of Oli's mind told him that Josh was just trying to make him forget about what had happened. And maybe he was, who knew. But the voices told Oli that Josh was just trying to get Oli to trust him so that he could be used as a plaything and punching bag as Jordan had said.

Oli tried his hardest to ignore the voices, he pushed the voices away and focused on Josh scrubbing his back slowly and calmly.
"Your tattoos are very cool," Josh said, he gazed at the tattoos on Oli's back in awe. 

"T-Thanks" Oli blushed and played with the bubbles in front of him.

Josh carefully lifted Oli's arm out of the water and began scrubbing it while looking at his tattoos. Josh was careful around the cuts and gashes on Oli's arms but still cleaned them. He asked Oli if he wanted to clean the rest of his body while Josh took a look at the wound on his thigh. Oli nodded and took the cloth from Josh.

He began cleaning himself while Josh stood up and took out a first aid kit. Josh sat down next to the tub so he could keep Oli company. He smiled up at Oli sweetly and the hazel-eyed boy gave him a small smile back.

Josh unwrapped the bandage from his thigh and hissed in pain. Oli looked down at him and gave him an apologetic look.
"it's fine, I probably deserved it anyway" Josh sighed. Oli shook his head and leaned over the side of the tub.  "Before you say I don't deserve it, I do. I have put you through so much pain and I am more than sorry about it" Josh said sadly. Oli sighed and continued watching Josh clean the wound.

"I know I shouldn't have hurt you from the start, it was a mistake and I get violent when I'm emotional. I shouldn't take my anger out on you and I will never hurt you again" Josh hissed as he finished cleaning the wound and looked up at Oli. The angel had tears in his eyes and was looking a Josh sadly.

"I love you so much, I will try my hardest to make it up to you. You are the love of my life and I will do everything in my power to protect you, I already failed once and I will never fail again" Josh looked at Oli and lifted his hand up to stroke his cheek. Oli felt his heartbeat speed and as it was slowly being repaired. The voices in the back of his head were silent and he was one more step closer to trusting Josh again.

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