What Do You Want

178 13 44

Sorry if this one I shorter than the other chapter but I hope you enjoy it :) 

Oli watched Josh in silence as he walked out of the room and closed the door, he heard the click of the lock and Josh's footsteps leaving down the hallway. As soon as Oli was sure that Josh had left to go downstairs, he hung his head in defeat. If he could cry, then he would. Oliver was exhausted. Mentally and physically. He was just so overwhelmed. It seemed like only yesterday he was sitting on the couch with Lee playing some stupid game or working late at the record store with Alex and Jack. But now he was probably miles away from home, trapped in a house with six psychopaths, and from the looks of it, he wasn't going to be getting out any time soon.

Oli used the last of his strength to struggle against the tape, but Josh had tied him up too tight. His attempts were futile. I can't even fucking move, are you kidding me?! And Oli was right, he couldn't move. The hazel-eyed boy was stuck in an uncomfortable sitting position with his back against the desk. Josh had locked the door and left Oli by himself. 

There was no way of escaping this one. 

Oliver struggled to pull his arms apart one last time but it was pointless. He whimpered behind the tape and let his head fall back so he could rest it on the side of the desk.


After Josh locked his bedroom door, he stormed down the hallway and down the stairs. He walked past the lounge and into the kitchen where he poured himself a glass of water. He downed it quickly then pegged the glass at the wall opposite him out of anger. Josh heard a sigh from behind him and looked over to see a disappointed looking Jaime.

"What do you want?" Josh asked harshly.

"I don't think you apologized to him, I heard shouting and banging coming from upstairs" Jaime crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame.

"No, I didn't apologize, I was going to but the mother fucker got out somehow and attacked me" Josh sighed.

"Oh- how did he get out? And where is he now?" Jaime gulped and looked down the hallway towards the stairs.

"Don't worry about how he got out, he didn't get far, the little shit is weak as but he can throw a nasty punch" Jaime nodded and pointed to Josh's right eye where a bruise was starting to form under it.

"Yea, I can see that" Jaime cleared his throat. Josh glared at him. "Uh, So where is he now? Like what actually happened" Jaime quickly changed the subject and scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"It doesn't matter what happened, I kicked his ass, ok" Josh groaned in annoyance.

"Oh my god please tell me he is conscious" Jaime's eyes widened and he made a B-line straight for the stairs.

"Jaime! Get your ass back over here right fucking now" Josh yelled. Jaime stopped dead in his tracks and slowly turned around to meet Josh's angry gaze. Josh stormed over to Jaime and grabbed the collar of his shirt roughly, he pulled him into the lounge and threw him down on the couch in between Kellin and Mike. Kellin yelped and Mike shot Jaime a worried glance.

"Alright, listen here you lot, we need to establish some rules" Josh growled. The others nodded hastily and focussed all their attention on Josh. "Oh yeah, and don't worry Jaime he is conscious and doing fine, he is tied up in my room so nothing can go wrong" Josh gave Jaime a fake smile and earned a nod in return. Josh cleared his throat.

"Since Oliver is mine now, he will be staying with us for however long I decide. No questions asked. Now, rule number one: No one is to touch him on any casual circumstances If he is attempting to escape or just being a pain in my ass then go ahead. But only if I tell you to" Josh growled. Tony opened his mouth but closed it when Josh shot him a glare.

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