You Never Stop Do You

175 14 34

This chapter is a bit longer than the others, sorry :)

I got a bit carried away, Oops

By the time they had arrived at their destination, Oli's throat was raw from screaming nothings at the roof of the trunk and sobbing until he couldn't any longer. He had started sobbing halfway through the trip and tugged at the ropes until he felt the blood start to drip down from his wrists. He didn't know how long the trip was but it felt like hours, so when the car came to a stop, he let out a relieved sigh but at the same time his heart began to pound against his chest. He heard the sound of car doors open and close and footsteps leading towards the trunk. Oli pressed himself up against the back of the trunk and glared daggers into the person who opened the trunk. Josh gave him a disapproving look and reached forward to pull Oli out of the trunk.

"No fuck off" Oli shook his head, Josh sighed and grabbed Oli's sweater.

"Are you still going on, Jesus Christ" Josh pulled Oli out and up onto his feet. Oli grunted and pulled back against Josh's grip on his sweater. "I'm not in the mood for this" Josh sighed.

"I don't give a fuck, let me go" Oli countered with a snarl. Josh ignored Oli and dragged him towards a large modern-looking house, the house looked like something out of a movie to Oli. It was secluded from the world by a very dense forest, it was also two hours away from any sort of town.

Oli kicked the back of Josh's leg, causing the blue-eyed man to stumble forward.

"You never stop do you?" he growled.

"Let.Me.Go" Oli spat. Josh marched forward towards the house with Oli still in his grip and pinned him to the wall.

"Why can't you get it through your head, I'm not going to let you go" Josh snarled, his face was mere centimeters away from Oli's, the younger of the two could feel the older's breath on his face. With josh's comment imprinted on his mind, Oli's tough-guy facade shattered and the curly-haired angel broke down into sobs in front of his captor. Josh sighed as he let Oli slip out from under him and onto the floor. Oli brought his knees up to his chest and sobbed harder than he ever had before. Josh sunk to the floor next to Oli and held his head in his hands. This was going to be harder then he thought.

"P-Please just l-let me go, I-I promise I w-wont tell a-anyone" Oli stuttered out in between broken sobs.

"Look Oli, I'm sorry but you know I can't do that" Josh muttered. He was getting really annoyed with the boy next to him, why can't people just be grateful, I basically saved him.

"N-no, you're n-not sorry" Oli stuttered out, his sobbing had stopped but tears were still falling from his hazel eyes. Josh stood up and grabbed Oli's hair harshly. Oli whimpered and clenched his eyes shut.

"Yea your right, I'm not sorry" Josh smirked and dragged Oli up the stairs to the front door and into the house. Oli had started sobbing again and was pleading at Josh to let him go. Josh smiled in satisfaction and marched through the house with Oli stumbling close behind him. Oli's scalp burned and his vision was blurred by the nonstop tears.

Josh dragged the sobbing boy down the hallway and past the lounge were Kellin, Vic, Jaime, Tony and Mike were joking around and watching a movie. The group immediately stopped as soon as they heard Oli's broken sobs coming from the hallway, They all peered out of the open doorway to see Josh dragging him up the stairs by his hair. Jaime winced and Kellin sighed.

"Poor kid" Tony muttered, Jaime nodded and the room fell into an uncomfortable silence.

"P-please Josh, I just wanna go home" Oli sobbed. He stumbled up the stairs behind Josh who still had a painful hold on his brown hair. Josh chuckled and led Oli to the last room in the hallway. He unlocked the door and threw Oli into the room. The hazel-eyed boy groaned in pain at the collision and clenched his eyes shut. Josh snickered and stood at the doorway. Oli looked up at Josh with tear-filled eyes.

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