I Want You To Beg

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"Holy fuck they didn't kill you" Matt breathed out. Lee nodded and held his hands up, he walked further into the kitchen, and Josh shook his head at him. Lee looked at him emotionlessly and shook his head.

 Lee walked towards Matt but the man furrowed his eyebrows before Lee could get any closer. "How do I know you aren't working for them?" Matt growled, he tightened his grip around Kellin and the boy let out another choked sob.

"You have known me years Matt, I would never betray my family," Lee said sadly. He dropped his hands down and tapped the back of his gun that was in his waistband secretly. Josh inhaled sharply when he realized what Lee was saying and that the last part was directed to Josh. A smile crept onto Matt's face and he motioned for Lee to stand beside him.

Lee nodded and leaned up against the wall beside Matt, he kept his eyes on Josh and occasionally darted his gaze to the gun in Matt's hand.

"I'm thankful you didn't kill Lee, but this doesn't make up for the rest of what you did" Matt hissed. "So I'm going to ask one more time, Where. Is. Oliver. Sykes" Matt growled. Josh looked at him blankly and shook his head. 

"I. Don't. Know" Josh replied. Matt groaned in annoyance. He was getting impatient and just wanted to end this already. Matt stomped his foot on the ground and huffed. 

"Well, he couldnt have just gone missing" Matt sighed. "If you tell me where he is I will make his death-" Matt mimicked thinking and his eyes darkened. "Less painful" Matt chuckled at the look of horror that had spread on Josh's face.

"Fuck. You" Josh hissed. Matt laughed and Lee crossed his arms, he shot Josh an apologetic look and looked at the ground.

"Well, I can't continue my plan without him" Matt groaned, Tony and Josh, both sighed in relief but stopped when they saw a smirk on Matt's face. "So I guess I'm just going to have go off plan a bit" 

"You're stalling" Tony growled, his eyes were focussed on the table in front of him and his fists were clenched at his sides. 

"I'm sorry?" Matt's face dropped and he glared at Tony. 

"You don't want to do this, you haven't killed anyone yet," Tony said confidently, he looked up and smirked at Matt. The man growled and he placed his finger on the trigger again.

"Is that what you want? Do you want me to kill your friends?" Matt dug the barrel of the gun further into Kellin's head as he spoke. Tears fell from the raven-haired boy's eyes and he tried to turn away from the gun. "If that's what you want I will do it" Matt gritted his teeth and Lee reached back for his gun. He hovered his hand over it and got ready to make a move if something happened.

Tony stayed silent when his stalling methods didn't work, he looked at Josh and Mike guiltily and hung his head. "No, I don't want you to do that" Tony whispered, but loud enough for Matt to hear.

"That's what I thought" Matt turned his head to Lee and the man quickly but subtly retracted his hand from his gun. "Wake them up, I want to get this over and done with" Matt motioned to Vic and Jaime's unconscious bodies and Lee slowly nodded.

 Lee walked towards Jaime and picked him up off the ground, he leaned his body against the wall and shook his shoulder's to try and wake him up. Blood that had been dripping from his nose had dried and his nose looked definitely broken. Lee heard Matt growl and Lee whispered and apology to Jaime before he backhanded his cheek.

Jaime's eyes shot open and he immediately stood up too fast. He grabbed his head and clenched his eyes shut as he tried to gather himself up. Matt chuckled and Jaime's eyes snapped open again. Jaime growled and took a step forward but Matt just looked at the crying raven-haired boy and that was enough to get Jaime to stop.

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