See You Soon

152 11 42

He's gotta get worse before he gets better-

After Josh locked the door of his closet, he walked over to his bed and threw himself onto it. He let out a long sigh and dragged his hands down his face. Josh tried to ignore the muffled screaming coming from his closet. He turned on the TV and pulled the covers over himself. He was fucking exhausted.

He flicked through the channels on the TV and his eyes widened when he saw a photo of Oli on the news. I should have known it wouldn't have taken long. Josh glared at the news reporter as he droned on about how long Oliver had been missing for and who reported him missing. Alex Gaskarth. Hmmm, I wonder what connection he has to Oliver? The news reporter went on about how the police had no leads. Perfect. Josh knew the Police would never find them, They haven't been found in years. 

Josh yawned and switched off the TV, today had been a long day. Hopefully, tomorrow would be better. Josh pulled the blankets up to his face and smiled when he smelt Oli's scent on them from the other night. That night Josh fell into another restless sleep, he spent the whole night tossing and turning. He woke up at 4 am and stayed awake till 7 am, just staring at the ceiling with a blank expression on his face.


Josh ignored the sunrise and his urge to smoke on the window sill, or check on Oliver. He dragged himself out of bed and into the bathroom. He didn't bother looking at his reflection in the mirror, he turned the faucet on and washed his face in the sink, he couldn't be bothered to shower today. Josh just wasn't in the mood for anything today. Josh sighed and walked out of the bathroom, he unlocked the closet door and slowly opened it. He stuck his head in and silently awed when he saw Oli sleeping.

He chose to let the boy sleep and he closed the door and locked it once again. Josh stretched and walked out of his room and down the hall. He stopped when he heard voices coming from the weapons room. Josh opened the door and walked into the room lazily, interrupting Jaime and Vic's conversation.

"What's up" Josh yawned and threw himself down on an empty chair.  Vic turned to Josh with a worried look and ran a hand through his long brown hair.

"Jaime saw Matt Kean at the drop off with om&m yesterday" Josh's face dropped and he scrambled over to Jaime and grabbed his shoulders.

"Tell. Me. Everything" Josh hissed. Jaime gulped and nodded.

"I was doing the drop off like Tony asked me and on my way back to the car I saw Matt just standing there like he wasn't even bothering to hide. He was just standing there watching me" Jaime said.

"Fuck" Josh hissed. "Do you think he bugged the car?" Josh asked hastily.

"I checked before I got in the car but I didn't see anything" Jaime sighed.

"Yeah, and I checked again when he got back," Vis said. Josh nodded and held his head in his hands.

"What if he followed you back," Josh said.

"I wasn't followed home" Jaime shook his head.

"Well then what the fuck was he doing there, he had to have been doing something," Josh said.

"What if he was just trying to distract us" Vic suggested.

"But what from?" Jaime asked. Josh dragged a hand down his face and sat back down in his chair.

"Were the doors locked?" Josh shot up out of his seat and looked at Jaime with worried eyes. Jaime didn't reply and guilt flashed across his face.

"You fucking idiot!" Josh yelled, he ran out of the room and down the stairs with Vic and Jaime following close behind. Josh ran to the car and opened all of the doors. He threw everything out of the car and screamed in anger when a note fell out from the glove compartment.

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