Pleasure Doing Business With You

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I'm back bitches, and im very sorry I haven't updated in a while I just took a break then didn't have the motivation but im gonna try to finish this so I can start a new one, this will probably be the last chapter so yea :)

I hope you enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment ;)

"Where the fuck have you been!" Alex shouted, making Oli stop in his tracks before he could hug Jack. He turned around to face Alex who had a look of anger, sadness, and relief mixed into one on his face. He walked back over to Oli again and hugged him before hitting him on the back of the head playfully, "Fucking dumbass I thought you died or something"

Oli chuckled and shrugged before motioning to Josh to join them, "It doesn't matter where I have been, I'm fine now" Oli said, hugging Jack then turning his attention back to Alex.

"Well I'm so happy you're ok, we have been worried sick" Alex sighed and looked at Oli sadly, he really was worried sick about where Oli had gone. He didn't sleep most nights because of it but Jack always reassured him that Oli was ok.

"I'm sorry I made you worried" Oli mumbled, earning another playful smack to the back of the head.

"Don't you dare apologize, you have nothing to be sorry for" Alex said. Oli smiled and nodded, he waited for Josh to walk over to them then wrapped his arm around his waist. Alex furrowed his eyebrows at Josh and crossed his arms, "And who the fuck is this?" He looked Josh up and down and glared at him.

Josh looked at Alex and chuckled at his attempt to be intimidating. He wrapped his arm around Oli protectively and pulled him to his side, "Nice to meet you too" Josh said sarcastically.

Alex stepped back and grabbed Oli's wrist, pulling him away from Josh, "We need to talk" He dragged Oli over to their car and stopped next to it, "Who the fuck is he?" Alex hissed. Oli bit his lip and looked over to Josh as if to ask if he should tell them or not. Josh shrugged and looked at Jack who was also glaring at him but doing a terrible job of trying to scare him.

"He is my boyfriend" Oli simply shrugged and chuckled at Alex's confusion.

"So you just disappear for a couple of weeks then find yourself a boyfriend?" Alex raised his eyebrows, "Who surprisingly very good looking as well" Alex added smugly.

Oli nodded and crossed his arms, "He treats me very well and I love him" Oli said, earning another confused look from his friend.

"I need more of an explanation, where have you been, and are you hurt?" Alex said in a worried tone. He wanted to know everything, where Oli had been and if he is being forced into anything and all that stuff.

Oli groaned and nodded, "Fine, I was kidnapped while on my way home but then Josh saved me and I've been living with him for a while and I'm very happy" Oli decided to lie a bit and leave out the fact that he was now in a gang and had been tortured by Josh and others more than once.

Alex nodded slowly, thinking about whether or not he should believe Oli, "So you're safe?" He asked.

"Yes I'm very safe, and I won't be going home with you or speaking to any police" Oli reassured him. Alex sighed and bit his lip, he didn't like the idea of Oli not going home and not speaking to police but if Oli said he was happy then he had to believe he was.

"Fine, but if you ever aren't safe then you know my number and you have to come and visit us anyway," Alex said, "I'm not letting you get away that easily" He added with a chuckle.

Oli giggled and nodded, "Sure thing, and please call off your boyfriend because he won't stop staring down my boyfriend" Oli pointed at Jack who was still glaring at Josh. Alex chuckled and nodded.

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