I Just Want It To End

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I love bed hair Josh so much he is so precious

This is basically a filler chapter but I hope you enjoy :)

When Oli didn't answer straight away Josh started to panic. Oli stared at Josh with wide eyes as he tried to process what Josh had asked him.

"I mean I know that we only met like a week and a bit ago but I'm so in love with you and-" Josh spoke fast and Oli cut him off by throwing himself at the blue-eyed man. Oli hugged him tightly and nodded rapidly.

"Yes yes yes," Oli said. Josh hugged the boy back and grinned. Oli had never had a boyfriend, he had girlfriends but when he came out as gay and people found out he got bullied severely and kicked out of his own house. But minus the abuse Josh was perfect. Oli had fallen hard.

Oli smiled more then he had the entire time he had been at the house, he was so glad that he had someone who cared about him and loved him. Oli was going to give Josh the same thing back. He wanted to be a normal couple, so that's what they were going to be. Oli had already slowly begun to forgive Josh for what he had done in the past. Josh saved him from Jordan and gave him more love than anyone else had in his life in the past week.

Oli knew it was weird to fall in love with your kidnapper and abuser but he was so empty of any sort of emotions and love so he easily fell for the attractive as hell blue-eyed man. No one had shown him such affection and attention before. Oli wasnt looking for attention though, he loved Josh back and was willing to give him anything. Wow, I have fallen very hard- Oli was going to make sure their relationship would stay strong and work out for the both of them.

Josh hugged Oli tightly and fell down onto the bed so that Oli was lying on top of him. He wrapped his arms around the boy's waist. Oli smiled up at him and buried his face in Josh's chest.

"I can't even begin to express how happy I am right now" Josh grinned and Oli looked up at him. The boy's smile slowly dropped and he quickly got of Josh, he shuffled backwards and brought his knees to his chest. Josh looked at him in confusion and sat up.

"Hey, what's wrong baby?" Josh asked hesitantly. Josh knew Oli was still very unstable so he had to be gentle and calm with his so that the boy knew he wouldn't be hurt again.

"H-How can you love someone like me? I haven't done anything good or useful in my life. I'm useless" Oli said softly. Josh frowned and moved closer to Oli. "All anyone ever want's to do is use me, that all I'm good for. Im a toy" Oli hid his face in his knees.

"No no no" Josh pulled Oli into a hug and let the boy cry into his shirt. "I love every part of you, you are the light of my life and I don't know what I would do without you. You mean the world to me and I will treat you like a king. You are not a toy and don't ever think that you are" Josh said softly. Oli slowly nodded and bunched up Josh's shirt in his fists.

"But there is nothing good about me, I'm covered in scars and burns. I'm an emotional wreck 95% of the time. I've never accomplished anything in my life. I just want it to end" Oli broke down in Josh's arms. "You should have let Jordan kill me, I'm worthless and I'll just be a burden" Josh gasped and shook his head.

"No, please don't think like that, you will never be a burden I love you so so much" Josh could feel himself starting to cry, what Oli was saying about himself tore him apart. He never wanted anyone he cared about to feel like that.

"I'm so sorry you have to be stuck with me" Oli cried. Josh frowned and held Oli closely.

"I would never choose anyone other than you, I loved you from the moment I saw you. You are absolutely perfect and a god amongst everyone else. Don't let the voices and what Jordan said get to you, they have no idea what they are talking about. I don't care about your scars or burns, they will fade over time and the ones that stay will show you and everyone else how strong and brave you are for getting through such a tough time" Josh said comfortingly.

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