You Don't Understand

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I hope you enjoy and thank you again for the ideas @amo.mp3

Sorry, it took so long to update I just wasnt feeling that motivated :(

"Oh-" Josh nervously chuckled and lifted Oli off his lap so he could slide out of him. Oli blushed and sat down next to Josh in the bath. He hissed at the unwanted pain he received from sitting down and Josh giggled.

"Sorry about that," Josh said lightheartedly. Oli huffed and crossed his arms. Josh pouted at him and Oli grabbed his face.

"You're lucky I love you" Oli kissed his nose and smiled at him warmly. Oli was completely worn out from what just went on. His ass hurt and he was shocked at how good Josh was at sex. He had never had sex with a guy before and he was happy Josh was his first.

"How about I wash your hair and then we relax and watch a movie? How does that sound?" Josh smiled.

"That sounds fantastic" Oli hummed and closed his eyes. Josh stood up and got out of the tub, he wrapped a towel around his waist and kneeled down so he could wash Oli's hair for him.

Josh loved giving Oli affection and love. It brought him joy to know that the person he cared about the most was feeling loved.

Josh told Oli to wet his hair to get rid of as much blood and sweat as he could and the hazel-eyed boy nodded. He rinsed his hair and watched as the water turned to a darker color. He sighed in happiness and rested his head against the side of the tub. He closed his eyes and let his arms rest on the side of the tub.

Josh squeezed a generous amount of shampoo onto his hand and massaged it into Oli's curly hair. The angel purred at the feeling and Josh felt his heart flutter at the sound. Once he was done he told Oli to rinse his hair so he could use the conditioner.

He repeated the process with the conditioner but slowly massaged his head instead. Oli melted under Josh's touch and swore he never wanted to get out of the tub. When Josh was done washing Oli's hair he helped the boy out of the bath and wrapped a towel around him. Josh left the bathroom to get Oli clothes and came back with the oversized hoodie Oli had worn a couple times and boxers. He grabbed himself some clothes but got dressed quickly in the closet.

"Sorry, I couldn't find any pants" Josh laughed. Oli gave him a small smile and took the clothes from his boyfriend. Josh drained the bath while Oliver got dressed and opened the window to let some steam out. Oli hissed in discomfort as he pulled the boxers on. Josh giggled and Oli pouted. Oli made grabby hands towards Josh and the blue-eyed man picked him up bridal style and carried him out of the bathroom.

"Do you wanna see what food we have downstairs? I think Tony went shopping so we might have new things" Josh asked, Oli nodded and Josh carried him downstairs. When they entered the kitchen everyone's eyes darted to them and Jaime choked on the pasta he was eating.

"Did you guys have fun?" Tony asked, holding back laughter. Josh grinned and nodded making the hazel-eyed boy bury his face in his boyfriend's chest out of embarrassment. Josh placed Oli down on the counter earning a hiss from the younger boy. Tony giggled and Oli felt his face heat up, he looked down at his hands and played with the hem of his hoodie.

"First time?" Tony whispered to Oli, the boy blushed even harder and nodded. Tony nodded understandingly and went back to making sandwiches for himself and Mike. Josh looked through the fridge and freezer and pulled out a tub of ice cream and brownies. He placed them on the counter next to Oli and looked through the fridge again.

"Uh, is there any more of the pasta, Hime?" Josh turned around and shut the fridge. Jaime nodded and pointed to the stove where a pot was sitting on it. Josh thanked him and grabbed two bowls. "Do you wanna do yours or do you want me to do it?" Josh asked the hazel-eyed boy.

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