I Can't Wait Till You Finally Break

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if this chapter is weird then that's coz I was writing it on my phone coz I was watching Tiger King :/

Oli awoke to a loud band coming from inside the room he was held in, his eyes snapped open and he shut them again when they burned from the harsh light. He groaned and buried his face into the mattress. 

Oli shifted around so he could lay on his back, he furrowed his eyebrows and tugged on the ropes around his wrists and above his elbows. He groaned in annoyance and glared at the ceiling. Are you fucking kidding me?! He bit into the gag and groaned.

Oliver heard a chuckled come from the other side of the room, he looked up to see Jordan sitting on one of the metal chairs in the corner of the room. Jordan waved creepily at him and smiled. Fuckin hell- Oli groaned and rested his head on the mattress.

"You ready to have some more fun today?" Jordan smirked. He leaned forward and put his elbows on his knees, he rested his head on his palms and gazed at Oli with a sadistic look.

"Fuck no" Oli tried to say but it came out as more of a muffled sound. Jordan smiled. "I wonder what we will do today" Jordan mimicked thinking and smiled.  He stood up and crouched down beside Oli. The hazel-eyed boy moved up against the wall and got as far away from Jordan as he could.

"Stay the fuck away from me" Oli tried to say, Jordan laughed and took a box lighter out of his back pocket. He took off his suit jacket and placed it on the back of the chair. He rolled the sleeves of his shirt up and flicked open the lighter.

Oli's eyes widened and he backed into the wall more. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Please no, god no! Oli shook his head as Jordan walked towards him menacingly. Oli looked at Jordan with pleading eyes but he just smiled and sickeningly sweet smile at him in return.

Jordan grabbed Oli's upper arm and dragged him away from the wall, Oli screamed into the gag and thrashed against Jordan's grip. What the fuck did I do to deserve this?! Oli felt tears threatening to spill, he couldn't take any more of the pain that was going to come. His thighs and arms were numb from yesterday and he was slowly losing his sanity.

All of Josh's abuse had taken a mental and emotional toll on Oli, Jordan was reopening emotional and physical wounds and it was too much for the hazel-eyed boy. He could feel himself start to break. He knew it hadn't been that long of a time that the abuse had gone on but in such a short time he had gone through so much.

Jordan dug his nails into Oli's arm causing Oli to whimper against the gag. He dragged him to the center of the mattress and straddled his waist. Oli screamed into the gag and glared at Jordan. Oli couldn't struggle much since he was tied up better than last time. He groaned in frustration when he couldn't move his arms under Jordan's weight on top of him.

Jordan chuckled and flicked open the lighter again. Oli's breathing hitched and his heart pounded, he froze and kept his eyes locked in the flame. Jordan's eyes darkened and he lowered the flame in-front of Oliver's face.

"I can't wait till you finally break" Jordan whispered. Oli kept his eyes on the flame as Jordan waved it in-front if his face teasingly. He slowly lowered it until Oli tried to push his head into the mattress so he could get away from the flame. Jordan laughed and continued lowering it. Oli could feel the heat of the flame on his cheek. He clenched his eyes shut and cringed away from the heat the best he could.

Jordan slowly dragged the flame down Oli's neck and onto his collar bones, the flame wasn't touching his skin but Oli could still feel the threatening nature of the flame on his tattooed skin. Jordan hovered the flame over his chest while also scanning over Oli's tattoos. Oliver shifted uncomfortably under Jordan's gaze and yelped when the flame touched his skin for a brief moment.

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