You Are All Useless

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I hope you enjoy and yall should go read Chant The Same Old by @crucifymethehorizon ;)

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Josh ducked back behind the car and tugged at his hair. Oli looked at him with a worried expression on his face and quickly stood up so he could see what Josh had seen.

"Holy Fuck-" Oli sat back down and ran a hand through his hair.

"I thought the fucker was dead" Josh sighed angrily. Mike had told him that they killed everyone in Horizon besides Lee. They must have missed him or something. Josh was more than worried. Two gunshots had already been heard and Kellin had a gun to his head. Josh couldn't see into the kitchen that well from where they were so he only saw the back of Matt and Kellin.

"Fuck, what do we do?" Oli looked at Josh with wide eyes. Oli was more than scared for the safety of his friends inside. He had finally gotten close to them. Josh tugged at his hair again and pulled up his sweater. He looked around his waist and groaned.

"And I left my fucking gun inside" Josh let his head hit the car and closed his eyes. He tried to think of a plan but nothing came to his mind. They were fucked. Oli and Josh both thought hard about what they could do and Josh looked over at the window again. He could hear the faint sound of shouting still and hoped to whatever god there was that no one had been shot.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck" Josh hit his hand against his head and Oli grabbed his wrists to stop him.

"Josh stop, it's going to be ok," Oli said sharply. Josh took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair. He had a plan but it was a 70/30 chance it was gonna work, and hopefully work in their favor. 

"I have a plan" Josh sighed. Oli nodded and he moved so he could sit in front of Josh. He stared at him and waited for his boyfriend to tell him the plan. Josh sighed and clenched and unclenched his fists. "I'm going to go and try and sneak up on Matt, if it doesn't work then I hope Lee is still in his room and will come down," Josh said in a serious tone. "It's a half-ass plan but at least you're going to be safe"

Oli shook his head and stood up slightly. "No, Im helping" Oli stated. Josh grabbed his sweater and brought him back down onto the ground in front of him. 

"No you're are staying here" Josh glared at Oli and the hazel-eyed boy growled at him.

"We are in this together so either we work together or I will just go in myself" Oli growled. Josh sighed and nodded. 

"Fine but please be safe and don't do anything stupid" Josh looked at him sadly and nodded. Oli huffed in satisfaction and crossed his arms. "I will go in first and try and distract Matt. When I give you the thumbs-up you will sneak up on him," Josh said. Oli nodded and grabbed Josh's hands in his own.

"But if I see you or anyone else is in danger I'm coming in whether you like it or not" Oli replied. Josh thought about it then sighed. Oli was very stubborn but Josh would probably need the help anyway.

"Fine" Josh let out an exaggerated sigh and Oli smiled at him. "But if I lose you I don't know what I will do," Josh said sadly. Oli pulled Josh into his chest and hugged his boyfriend tightly. 

"Nothing will happen to me Joshie" Josh hugged Oli back then pulled away when the shouting got louder. Josh knew it was stupid going in unarmed but they had to do something quickly before shit got real. Josh grabbed Oli's face and crashed their lips together. Their lips moved together in sync in a passionate kiss and Oli frowned when Josh pulled away.

"I love you so much Oliver, please be safe" Josh smiled sadly and tucked Oli's hair behind his ear. Oli blushed and hugged Josh one last time before he went into the house.

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