I Will Come With You

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djzsfnhgesfds don't hate me-

Oli woke up the next morning curled up in bed, he didn't remember falling asleep but he knew he needed it. He sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He let his eyes adjust and froze when he saw Jaime sleeping next to him. Did I fall asleep here? Oli shrugged and slowly got out of bed. He didn't really care where he slept, he was just glad he actually slept. He snuck out of the room and down the hall towards the bathroom. 

He lazily opened the door and shut it behind him. Oliver walked towards the mirror and looked at himself. There were still specks of flour in his hair and on his shirt. He ruffled his curly hair and yawned. Oli was so overwhelmed by everything that was happening. First, he was kidnapped, then put up for sale at an auction. He was taken into the middle of nowhere by an extremely attractive yet insane man. He was abused and tortured mentally and physically and was still being held against his will. Oli had ignored his urges to go home because he knew he would never leave. So he just obeyed Josh and went with it. 

Oli sighed and splashed his face with cold water. He was so confused, he didn't know if he liked Josh or not. At the moment he didn't like Josh for lying to him about everything. He forgave everyone else because he knew they didn't have a choice about lying to him. Oli needed a smoke, he needed to clear his mind and focus on a couple of things. Oli suddenly remembered his coat that he had with him when he was taken, he had a full packet of cigarettes and his phone. Oli sighed, they probably took his phone and cigarettes.

He walked out of the bathroom and slowly walked down the hall. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. He could easily escape if the doors were unlocked but he didn't even know where he was. He could be in another part of England for all he knew. He could be walking for days. He could get kidnapped by some creepy person or killed. At least Josh was hot and the others were nice.

 Oli sighed and decided against trying to escape. He lazily walked into the lounge and chills shot down his spine when he saw the broken window. He looked around and his eyes lit up when he saw a half-empty packet of cigarettes in the far corner on a shelf. He grabbed them and quietly ran into the kitchen to find a lighter. He shifted through the drawers and found a lighter. Oli grinned and walked to the back of the house, he looked out of the big sliding glass doors and sighed. He reached out to the handle and surprisingly the doors slid open quietly.

Oli gasped and walked through the door and onto the patio. He closed the door and walked towards the large pool. The underwater lights where on and it made the pool look magical. He sat by the side of the pool and dipped his feet in. He dangled his legs in the water and lit up a cigarette. Oli took a drag and blew the smoke into the air above him. He gazed out into the forest in front of him and sighed in content. It was still dark out but the sun was beginning to rise.

Oli layed down on the floor by the edge of the pool and took another drag. He held the smoke in and exhaled into the air. He watched the smoke curl in on itself and he lifted his hand up to twirl his fingers around in the disappearing smoke. He smiled to himself and repeated what he did with more smoke.

"It's amazing how you aren't trying to escape now" Oli turned his head to the door to see Jaime standing at the door with an amazed look on his face.

"I've given up," Oli said, taking another drag. Jaime nodded and walked over to Oli and sat beside him. Oli offered him his cigarette but Jaime declined it. Oli nodded and stared up at the sky.

"I'm sorry about all of this" Jaime said after a few moments of comfortable silence.

"It's fine, I've made peace with the fact that I'm never going to go home" Oli sighed. Jaime nodded and looked up at the sky as well. Oli saw a small orange light on one of the open windows. He furrowed his eyebrows and stared at it. The sun began rising, turning the sky from a dark blue to a mixture of warm colors. He looked up at the window again and saw Josh sitting with his legs dangling over the edge. Oli had seen Josh do that before.

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