It's In The Past Now

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Sorry about the slow updates, I'm back to school work now so expect maybe 1-2 updates a day :( sorry

Oli told Lee everything. He told him about when he was taken and everything that happened with Josh. When he was finished Lee was staring at him in shock, the tears had stopped falling but the tear tracks were still there.

"Wow" Lee was speechless. He felt so bad, he felt like everything was his fault and he caused all of the pain Oli was going through.

"I'm so fucking sorry. I should have done something when I saw you. I was just so shocked and confused" Lee said sadly. Oli nodded only because he agreed with him. Lee should have done something.

"It's in the past now, there is nothing that can change what happened" Oli sighed. Lee sadly nodded and ran a hand through his hair. "But, I would like you to tell me everything, how did you get to be in this gang and just what the fuck," Oli said blankly. Lee gulped and got more comfortable on the cold floor of the room.

"Ok well, Um how do I start this" Lee scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and cleared his throat. "Well, I joined when I was 19, I knew Jordan personally so when I found out he led a gang he offered me a place instead of killing me" Lee started. Oli nodded and listened eagerly. "So I took his offer of course and I started out as a delivery guy, I delivered guns and drugs and literally anything I was told to deliver. That's why I also brought home weed a lot. I got paid a nice amount of money and I was ok with it. It was a part-time job basically, I would live at home and Jordan would call me whenever I had something to do"

Lee sighed and shook his head. " I never told you because It would be putting you in danger. I realized now that I should have told you if I told you then you probably wouldn't have been kidnapped" Lee held back tears and continued. "I was going to tell you but then Jordan moved me up to a tech person, I work the computers now and find locations and people, I also went out with them to do deals. It was all going fine and I was going to tell you but I got handed a gun and everything got more complicated and dangerous as time went on" Oli nodded and continued listening. He felt hurt that Lee didn't tell him but he also understood why he couldn't say anything.

"I'm so fucking sorry I didn't tell you" Lee was now crying again and Oli tried his best to calm him down. "I should have told Jordan to leave you alone. I should have saved you" Lee cried. Oli could feel tears forming in his own eyes and tried to tell Lee that everything will be ok. Truth is, Oli didn't know if things were gonna be ok but he tried to tell him that it was.

"It's fine, everything will be ok. Josh will hopefully come to get me" Oli reassured him.

"It's not ok, Josh doesn't know where we are, and you have no idea what Jordan is capable of" Lee wiped his eyes and looked at Oli sadly. "Jordan has no reason to keep you alive, he could do anything to you," Lee said truthfully. Oli's eyes widened when the realization set in.

"Lee you have to get me out of here" Oli pleaded. He was beginning to panic. Oli just wanted to be with Josh, he wanted to feel somewhat safe in his arms and forget about everything. Lee sighed sadly and shook his head.

"Lee please, I need to get out of here" Oli tugged on the cuff and pleaded at his best friend to help him.

"I can't Oli, I would I really would but I'm not allowed" Lee stood up and sighed.

"Lee, please!" Oli cried. Lee avoided Oliver's gaze and walked towards the door. "Lee you have to fucking let me out! I have to get back to Josh!" Oli screamed.

"I hope Jordan doesn't hurt you too badly" Lee gave Oli a sad smiled and walked out, shutting the door behind him. Oli screamed at the door and begged for Lee to come back. His conversation with Lee took a toll on him, He was an emotional wreck.

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