You Made The Right Choice

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Mat Nicholls will be referred to by the others as Nicholls coz its easier :)

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"I had a feeling you would cooperate" Jordan smirked and put his gun back in the waistband of his suit pants. Oli looked back at Josh, he looked like someone had just torn his heart out. Because that's basically what happened. Tears were threatening to spill and he glared at Jordan but his look softened when he looked at Oli.

"Oli please don't do this" Josh pleaded. Oli gave Josh a blank look and smiled up at Jordan. He was emotionally numb and unstable. Josh ran forwards and tackled Jordan to the ground. Oli jumped back and watched as Jordan's men tore Josh away from Jordan before he could land a punch to Jordan's face. 

Oli wanted to run back inside but something was stopping him. He was mad at Josh and wanted him to feel the pain he had been inflicting on Oli for the past week. Jordan's men hauled Josh off their boss and held him down on the ground. Jordan stood back up at growled at Josh, he brushed the dirt off his suit and straightened his jacket. He motioned for Oli to come to him and the hazel-eyed boy obeyed. Oli wanted to prove to Josh that he still had his freedom and that he could do as he pleases. Oli clung onto Jordan's arm and smiled up at him.

"Now, where is Matt?" Jordan asked. Josh struggled against Jordan's men but lost the fight. He kept his mouth shut and glared softly at Oli. "Do I have to ask again" Jordan growled.

"In the basement" Josh hissed as his arm was twisted behind his back. Jordan nodded and opened the door of the car.

"Ronnie could you go and collect him please, be quiet as well I just want to get out of here without any hassle" Jordan sighed and helped Oli into the car like a gentleman. Oli gave him a genuine smile and blushed. Josh was fuming, the love of his life was willingly leaving him with his enemy. The man that Oli assumed as Ronnie let go of Josh and walked into the house.

"I'm so glad you chose to come with me" Jordan lifted up Oli's hand a gently kissed it. Oli blushed and looked away. He kind of felt bad for leaving Josh but he ignored his urge to get out of the car and help Josh. Jordan walked over to Josh and crouched down in front of him. He grabbed a fistful of his hair and yanked his head up. Ha, Karma. Oli smirked and crossed his arms.

"You have been so good for us today Joshie, I'm glad I didn't have to kill you. And I'm glad I get to leave you to suffer without your toy" Jordan sarcastically smiled and tugged on Josh's hair again. Josh winced and snarled at Jordan. "I will have so much fun abusing and playing with him" Jordan whispered. Josh's eyes widened and he spat at Jordan. Jordan wiped it off his black suit and smirked at Josh. "He gladly came with me even though he has no idea what I'm going to do, he must have wanted to get away from you that bad" Jordan let go of Josh's hair and let his head hit the ground. Ronnie came out with Matt beside him and stood next to Jordan.

"Fuck you," Was all Josh could say, he was still speechless and shocked as to why Oli would leave him like this. Oli wasn't wrong when he said that they weren't together but Josh still owned him and he wanted to take care of him like they were together. Josh wanted them to be together, and now that would never happen because he isn't going to come back. Alive at least. Josh's plans were ruined, he was never going to have te love of his life lead by his side or fall asleep next to him. They were never going to have a normal relationship. They were never going to be able to go out in public or do couple things.

"No thanks, I have Oli for that now" Jordan tapped Josh's cheek and stood up. He waved at Josh and got in the car next to Oli. He rolled the window down and leaned out of it.

"Have fun trying to find us Joshie" Jordan smiled. "Come on Nicholls" Jordan motioned for Nicholls to release Josh and hop in the car. Before Nicholls got off Josh he hit him over the back of the head, knocking him unconscious. The last thing Josh saw was Oli smiling smugly and Jordan smirking at him.

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