It Will Be Fine

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im so sorry I haven't updated lately I just haven't been motivated or in the right headspace :/

I hope you enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment :)

I know Oli is vegan but I couldnt be bothered to put that in since its kinda a trek-

Oli yawned cutely as he tightened his grip around the warm human next to him. He felt them pat his head and he slowly opened his eyes to see Josh smiling at him. Oli smiled back and dug his head into his chest.

"Morning, Princess," Josh said, his voice thick with sleep. Oli blushed at the pet name and felt his heart warm up.

"Morning, Joshie" Oli yawned again and closed his eyes, he let his head rest over Josh's heart and he could hear it beating under his skin. Oli found comfort in the sound and felt himself drift off to sleep once more.

The hazel-eyed boy awoke an hour later to the sound of the shower running. He yawned and stretched in bed. He frowned when he felt the absence of Josh in bed but shrugged when he assumed his boyfriend was the cause of the shower being on. He sat up in bed and stretched his arms out. He looked at the rope marks in his skin and blushed at the memories of last night.

Oli didn't realize he was caught up in his memories last night until he heard the shower stop. Oliver looked at the bathroom door and then at the window next to the bed. The window was opened and he could feel the soft breeze coming into the room and filling it with the smell of the forest in the mornings. The hazel-eyed boy inhaled deeply and exhaled through his nose. He smiled to himself and fell back into the bed.

He sat up in bed when he heard the door being opened and ruffled his messy bed hair with his hand. Josh walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and water dripping from his hair. Oli felt his face heat up at the sight and followed Josh with his eyes as the blue-eyed man walked towards the closet.

Oli smirked to himself and threw the sheets off his body. He jumped out of the bed and walked towards the closet. He snuck into the closet and jumped onto Josh's back. The blue-eyed man caught him and held his thighs as Oli wrapped his legs around his torso and his arms around his neck. He nuzzled into Josh's shoulder and kissed his cheek.

Josh chuckled and squeezed Oli's thighs, causing the boy to squeak and blush even more.

"How are you doing this fine morning?" Josh asked. Oli released his grip on his boyfriend and stood back down on the floor. He walked in front of Josh and wrapped his arms around him. He looked up at Josh and pouted.

"You showered without me" Oli gave Josh puppy dog eyes and Josh ruffled his hair.

"I didn't wanna wake you up, Princess. You looked so peaceful" Josh leaned down to peck Oli's lips and the boy smiled at him.

"I guess that's a good enough excuse," Oli said jokingly. He pulled away when Josh went to grab a shirt and sat on a stool near the dresser.

"Would you like to go out today?" Josh asked as he grabbed a band shirt and pulled it on. Oli's eyes lit up and he nodded eagerly. He hadn't left the property since he got here and he wanted to see what the outside world looked like since he had left.

"I was thinking we could go to the plant nursery and get a few plants for the room" Josh pulled on some jeans and turned to face his boyfriend who was grinning at him.

"Yes yes yes," Oli said happily. He jumped up from the stool and wrapped his arms around Josh's torso and smiled against his chest.

"We have to be careful though because you are still a missing person," Josh said softly.

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