I Love It When You Smile

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Thank you so much for the idea for this chapter @ amo.mp3 on Instagram :)

Don't forget to vote and comment :)


Josh looked Oli up and down and the hazel-eyed boy could feel a blush start to crawl up his neck. Josh yanked him closer so that their chests were touching and placed his free hand on Oli's leg. Oli bit his lip and looked up at Josh who was looking back at him with lustful eyes. Josh ran his hand up Oli's skirt slowly and stopped at his thigh. The entire time Josh was staring into Oli's eyes. Josh leaned forward and brushed his lips over Oli's. He bit the bottom of Oli's lip and the hazel-eyed boy let out a shaky moan. Josh groaned in frustration and pulled away when there was a loud knock at the door. Josh released his hold on Oli's collar and stormed over to the door. He opened it to find Kellin at the door. His glare softened and he motioned for Oli to come to the door.

"Firstly: thanks for cockblocking me," Josh said. Oli blushed and Kellin's eyes widened.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry-" Kellin was blushing in embarrassment.

"Secondly" what do you want" Josh cut him off.

"Tony says breakfast is ready," Kellin said, Josh nodded and gently pushed Kellin out of the way so he and Oli could walk through the door and into the hallway. Oli sent Kellin a small smile and Kellin gave him a thumbs up.

The three of them walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where the rest of the group was seated at the table chatting away. Josh met Jaime's eyes and he shot him an apologetic look. Josh simply nodded and sat down at the head of the table with Oli in the same sat as before. Kellin sat down next to Vic and kissed his cheek.

"Help your self" Tony smiled and continued chatting away with Mike. Josh filled his plate with the various foods and motioned for Oli to do the same. Oli filled his plate and began eating in silence.

"So Oli, tell us about your self since we stupidly know nothing about you," Vic said as he draped his arm over Kellin's shoulder. Oli blushed and cleared his throat. If he was going to try a connect with these guys he may as well start now.

"W-Well what do you wanna know?" Oli asked. Josh looked at him with bright eyes and stayed silent.

"Anything" Mike replied. Oli nodded and Josh placed a comforting hand on his thigh under the table. 

"Well my last name is Sykes but people call me Syko and I'm 22, Uh I lived with my best friend Lee Malia and I worked at a record store down the road from my apartment. And my only other friends are two amazing guys named Alex and Jack who own the store" Oli was surprised that he didn't stutter once. "I'm not that interesting" Oli sighed. Josh squeezed Oli thigh and grinned at him. Oli gave him a small smile and Kellin silently awed. Ah, so that's his connection with Alex.

"Well thank you for that Oli, I'm glad we know more about you now" Tony chuckled. Oli nodded and continued eating. The room fell into a comfortable silence until everyone's head shot up when the loud sound of glass breaking, coming from the lounge. Oli shot out of his seat along with everyone else but Josh pushed him back down in his chair.

"Kellin, stay here with Oli," Vic said. Kellin sat back down in his seat and gave Oli a worried look.

The rest of the group hesitantly moved into the lounge.

Josh walked in first and looked around the room, his eyes landed on the shattered front window and he let out a frustrated groan. He picked up the rock lying on the ground and ripped off the note that was attached to it. He opened it and read it.

You guys look so cute together, it would be a real shame to ruin what you have ;)


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