Are You Ready To Have Some Fun

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Sorry again-

This story won't be sad the entire time, it will get better I can promise you that :)

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Oli didn't sleep in the time that Jordan gave him to recover. He stared up at the wall with no tears left to cry, He stared blankly into the darkness above him. He sighed and waited till Jordan came back.

Oli didn't know how long he waited in silence. When the door finally opened Oli ignored it and stayed silent. The light was switched on and Oli hissed at its brightness. He turned his face away from the light and faced the wall. He Heard Jordan chuckle lightly than his footsteps leading into the room. Please kill me. Oli stared emotionlessly at the wall and flinched when Jordan tucked his curly hair behind his ear. Oli froze when Jordan turned him over so he was lying on his back. Oliver avoided Jordan's lustful eyes and stared at the ceiling in hopes that it would fall down and crush them both.

"Sorry I had to leave, I had business to take care of" Jordan smirked and Oli kept his expression blank and empty. "I was going to let Matt and Nicholls join in but I want you for myself today," Jordan said smugly. Oli's breathing quickened when he realized when he meant. Fuck please don't fucking rape me! Fuck! Kill me instead! Please!

Jordan looked Oli up and down and rolled his sleeves up. He had come in without his jacket because he couldn't be bothered to take it back out, plus he wouldn't be in the room for that long. Oli kept his eyes trained on Jordan's movements. He hoped either Josh would come and get him or Jodan would just kill him. Oli wished for the second option though. He didn't know how long he had been away from Josh but what he did know was that it had been too long.

Jordan straddled Oli, he pulled down the gag and smashed their lips together. He forced his tongue into Oli's mouth and Oli groaned in discomfort. Jordan moved his hips against Oli's and groaned at the friction. Oliver tried to pull away but Jordan grabbed his face. Oli's body began to betray him when Jordan kept grinding into him. Jordan smirked against Oli's lips and pulled away.

"Josh will never come for you," he said, Jordan felt like breaking Oli's soul before he broke Oli's body even more. Oli stayed silent and looked at Jordan with glazed-over eyes. Jordan smirked. He had nearly succeeded. "If he does come for you then he won't want you, your so bruised and ugly. So many cuts. And why would he want someone who was used by another man" Jordan said bitterly. Oli felt his heart crack at Jordan's words, he tried to hold the tears in but it wasn't working very well. Jordan chuckled and his face dropped into a serious look.

"He will never love you when he sees you like this, you are so broken and unwanted. No one will ever love you" Jordan smiled widely when he saw Oli's tears.

"S-Shut up," Oli said shakily. His heart had shattered and he couldn't pick up the pieces. What's so good about picking up the pieces when Jordan was probably right. Oli was littered with scars, no one would ever love him.

"Once he sees you he will leave, and you will be left with me" Jordan smirked and ran his hand down Oli's face. The boy flinched away and choked back a sob.

"Your just a toy, a plaything for people to use and throw away once they are done. All you are good for is for people to let their anger out on you" Jordan smirked as Oli let out a sob. Oliver couldn't argue with Jordan, he knew most of the things he said were right. Josh must have thought they were as well, he did call Oli a slut. So Oli thought he must be, just a worthless useless slut for everyone to abuse and play with. Oli was confused though, Josh was so kind to him but Oli knew it was just an excuse to get into his pants and then throw him out later.

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