I Did Tell You I Would See You Later

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"Alright bitches, lets hurry the fuck up"

"Vic shut the fuck up, you do this every single fucking time"

"Sorry, but we do need to get on"

"Yeah we know just don't be so fucking loud all the time, it gives me a headache"

"Whatever, just wake him up"

Oliver was awoken by a hard slap to his cheek, he yelped and opened his eyes to see three men in suits standing in front of him. Oli's arms were aching and his head was pounding, He clenched his eyes shut and opened them again. He tugged at his arms but they wouldn't budge. huh? His mind was clouded with confusion and he tugged at them again and felt a sharp pain shoot up from his wrist, Oli groaned in pain and looked behind him to see his wrists tied tightly behind his back. What the fuck?

His eyes widened when he finally realised what was going on. Oliver shuffled backwards away from the men in front of him but was stopped from going any further when his back hit a wall, his breathing became rapid and short. fuck! fuck! fuck! It felt like the walls were closing in on him and it became harder to breathe. He looked back up to the men with tears in his eyes.

"Hey, calm down" One of the men walked forward towards Oli and crouched down in front of him. Oli shuffled backwards more and pressed himself into the wall. The man sighed and gave Oli a sad look. what the fuck do you mean calm down!? Oliver tried to steady his breathing but it wasn't really working.

"I-it's kind of hard to c-calm down when I have n-no idea w-what is going on,or w-where I am" Oli stuttered out in between short breaths. The man sighed again.

"I know it's hard but you just have to cooperate with us, Ok?" The man gave Oli a sympathetic look. Oliver gulped and nodded. He was so fucking scared but he didn't want to do anything wrong. He looked around the room and his eyes landed on two men he had met before. He furrowed his eyebrows at the boy with the black hair.

"I did tell you I would see you later" the boy smirked and walked forward so he was standing next to the other man. Oli's fear suddenly turned into an anger that he couldn't control.

"What the fuck!" Oli glared at the boy and grit his teeth together, the boy continued smirking and the other man stepped forward, Oli immediately recognised him as the man who stood next to Oli while he was looking at the sky.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" Oli shook his head in anger. Fuck this kid! Why the fuck did I have to tell him where I worked?! FUCK! Oli was fuming. He was shaking in both fear and anger.

"Aw someones mad," the boy snickered and stepped forward so he could inspect Oli properly. Oli took this opportunity and spat in the boy's face.

"Fuck you" Oli should have regretted what he said and did but somehow he didn't, this boy was a bitch so he probably deserved it. The boy's blue eyes turned from blue to dark once more and he grabbed Oli's jaw, Oliver's eyes widened but he kept his eyes focused on the boy. The black haired boy was staring intently at Oli's face, it honestly made Oli very uncomfortable.

The Black haired boy turned his head to the man with the tan skin and nodded, Oli furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and looked at the other man. That's it i'm fucking sick of this. Oli pulled his face away from the boy's grip and used his leg to kick the boy's ankles, causing the boy to fall into a heap on the floor. "Fucking bitch" Oli hissed under his breath. The man with the tan skin stalked over to Oli, and grabbed the collar of his sweater and pulled Oli up off the ground and towards him. Their faces were so close that Oli could feel the others breath on his skin. Oli gulped and looked at the man, the man was definitely smaller but he had the advantage of not being tied up.

"Don't you fucking talk to him like that" The man growled and stared into Oli's eyes. Oli's anger had vanished and he was left trembling in fear once again. He weakly nodded. "Good, now to answer the question we all know you want to ask, you are now in The House Of Wolves" The man dropped Oli to the ground and went to comfort the other boy who was glaring daggers into Oli. Oliver opened his mouth to speak but closed it when the man in front of him spoke.

"The House Of Wolves is an Auction House, where people get sold off to gangs who are willing to pay a large amount of money. Unfortunately you will be an item in the auction today" The man who was previously crouching in front of him stood up and crossed his arms. Oli's mouth went dry and his eyes widened. I-i'm going to be sold to someone- Oli shook his head in disbelief.

"And you will go for a very good price" The black haired boy was leaning up against the tan skinned man and they were both smirking.

"N-no you c-can't d-do that" Tears were forming in his eyes once again as he refused to believe what he had just heard. I'm only 22, this can't be the end of my life, it basically hasn't even started. I still have so much to do! Oli shook his head and choked back a sob.

"I'm sorry but we can, and we don't exactly have a choice anyway" The man sighed and ran a hand down his face. He wasn't exactly lying, the men didn't have a choice. This was all of their lives now and they couldn't get out of it.

Oli was holding back tears by the time another man ran into the room and whispered something into the tan skinned man's ear. The man nodded and said something to the nice man.

"Alright, time to go," the nice man sighed and helped Oli up, he led him out of the room and down a large hallway. Oli stared at the ground the entire time, he felt numb. He couldn't believe today was the day he was going to get sold off to some crazy person. Fuck I should have listened to Lee, maybe I wouldn't be in the situation if i was just a bit more careful. Holy shit, does anyone even know i'm missing?! How long was I out for?! Oli's train of thought was stopped when the nice man said something to him.

"What's your name?" He asked

"O-Oliver" Oli replied in a shaky tone, the man nodded.

"Well my name is Jaime, over there is Vic and that's Kellin" He pointed to the tan skinned man first and then to the raven haired boy. Oli nodded and continued looking at the floor as they came to a large wooden door.

"H-how does t-this all work?" Oliver asked, he looked up to see Jaime's eyes focused on the door in front of them.

"Vic is the Auctioneer, he is the one who calls out the starting bids and declares if someone is sold, Kellin stands by him and is basically a messenger, He also brings the items to the stage and hands them over to the buyer" Jaime spoke in such a calm tone, it made Oliver slightly uncomfortable. How many times has he done this? Oliver shivered. "Now when you go in you have to stay absolutely silent, do not say or do anything unless you are told to. And do not disobey any of the higher ups" Oliver gulped and nodded. Well this is going to be very hard then. The doors opened and Vic and Kellin walked out first, Oliver was shaking so hard he swore he was going to fall over.

"Good luck, and I hope you get sold to someone nice" Jaime gave him a small smile and walked back down the hall and into another room. Fuck now i'm alone. Oliver bit his lip and stood still, waiting for Kellin to come and collect him. After what felt like hours the doors were finally opened and revealed a smug looking Kellin, he walked forward and grabbed Oliver's forearm harshly. Kellin pulled him close and whispered in his ear.

"Behave" Kellin then dragged Oli out of the hallway and into a huge ballroom, Oliver looked around the room in awe, it looks like a fucking casino whoa. Kellin dug his nails into Oli's arm, causing Oli to look back at the floor and let himself be dragged to the stage by Kellin.

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