Great Timing

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I honestly love the Alligator Blood music video so much, it so fucking good

I hope you enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment ;)

Oli didn't remember falling asleep in the safety of Josh's arms, he was so exhausted that he just passed out. Oliver yawned and stretched his arms, he slowly opened his eyes and looked to his side for Josh. Oli's breathing quickened when he found the spot next to him empty and looked around the room. He let out a relieved sigh when he saw Josh smoking on the window sill.

Josh looked down at Oli and smiled. He jumped down from the window sill and sauntered over to the boy. Oli rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and ran a hand through his hair. He looked at the alarm clock and frowned when it read at 7 pm. Josh sat on the edge of the bed and pulled out his computer that Vic had returned the other day. He opened it and his breathing hitched when he saw that Vic hadn't closed the email from Jordan. Josh quickly closed the email before Oli could see and before Josh himself started crying. 

Oli bunched up the blankets and brought them over his head so it was only his face that was visible. He yawned again and fell to the side so he could lay down next to Josh.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep while we were watching a movie" Oli looked down sighed. Josh leaned down and kissed Oli's forehead.

"It's totally fine baby, you needed your rest"Josh smiled sweetly and opened google on his laptop. He handed it to Oli and moved so he could lay down next to him. Oli stuck his hands out of the blankets and hesitantly took the laptop from Josh.

"Search up and add to cart whatever you like and want, money isn't a problem for me and I want you to be happy and comfortable," Josh said, Oli looked at him with wide eyes and slowly nodded. Oli was about to ask Josh how he had so much money but then connected all the dots. ohhh- Oli remembered the guns and the drugs Lee had brought home and assumed that whats Pierce the veil did as well.

Josh leaned over Oli and put his cigarette on the ashtray on his bedside table. Oli flinched away when Josh came near him with the cigarette and Josh frowned. He put the cigarette out and returned to watching Oli search up stores. 

Oli went onto the Hottopic website and looked at the band merch, he picked out a few shirts then went to the pants. He picked out a few pairs of jeans and shorts and then picked out a few flannels. Josh leaned back against the headboard of the bed, and turned on the TV, he pressed resume on The Ring so he could watch it while Oli added things to his cart.

Josh was slightly sad that he and Oli couldn't go to the shops together, he would have liked to take Oli out on dates. Josh would have to think of ideas of dates that they could have around the area without anyone seeing them. Josh knew he would still have to be careful of om&m, he had killed their leaders and the rest were still alive.

Oli added a belt and some boxers to his cart and went to the hoodies and sweaters. He added a band hoodie and a sweater with holes in it because it looked cool. He didn't want too many hoodies and sweaters because he liked Josh's. He added pajama shorts and pants and subconsciously clicked on the skirts. He blushed and added a black and white split skirt and a plain black one. He liked the one he was previously wearing as well. 

Since Oli didn't have a lot of money when he was living with Lee, he never got to buy the clothes he wanted so when Josh said that money wasn't a problem Oli was going to get a few more things then he intended. 

He added a few muscle shirts and a beanie, he looked at the shoes but didn't find any he liked. Oli clicked off Hottopic and searched up the boots he had always wanted. He found the doc martens but decided against them because of the price. He picked out some black converse and white ones instead. He added some black socks and some white ones with colorful stripes that he thought were pretty cute. Oli never thought that he would be a bit feminine but he ended up liking the skirt so maybe he was a bit. The others didn't seem to care so he just went with it.

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