Drop Dead

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This photo is so precious-

I hope you enjoy ;)

Josh nodded and pulled Oli close to him. Oli buried his face into Josh's chest and smiled to himself. He looked up at Josh to find the blue-eyed man looking down at him. He looked into his eyes and saw them dart down to his own lips and then back up.

Oli smiled and brought himself closer to Josh. The boy looked up at him again. He could tell Josh was having a battle with himself. I wonder what he is thinking?

Josh looked down at Oli's lips and saw the other do that same to him.
"Can I?" Josh asked softly. Oli hesitated at first then nodded slowly. Josh knew he had to take things slowly with Oli considering that Jordan nearly raped him. Josh slowly pressed his lips to Oli's.

He kissed Oli slowly and lovingly. Unlike the other times where he either forcefully kissed him or it was a heated moment. Oli kissed back and rolled onto his back. Josh gently placed his hands beside Oli's head and hovered over him.

"Is this ok?" Josh broke the kiss to confirm that Oli still wanted to go ahead with what they were doing. Oli nodded and reconnected their lips. He brought his hands up so he could tangle his hands in Josh's hair.

Josh slid his tongue over Oli's bottom lip and Oli opened his mouth. Their tongues danced together and Oli took one of his hands way from Josh's hair and slid it under his shirt. Josh smiled against Oli's lips and kissed him harder.

"Fuck I love you so much" Josh breathed out when they broke away for some air. Oli grabbed Josh's face and smashed their lips together. Josh bit down on Oli's bottom lip causing the boy to let out a small moan.

Josh smirked and straddled Oli's waist so he didn't have to lean on his hands anymore. Oli's eyes shot open in panic and he pulled away quickly. He relaxed a bit when he saw it was Josh on top of him and not Jordan
"Hey, are you ok baby?"Josh asked when he pulled away. Oli slowly nodded and looked at Josh sadly. "We don't have to continue if you feel uncomfortable," Josh said softly.

Oli blushed and nodded.
"I-I just wanna take things slow," Oli said quietly. He looked away thinking that Josh would disagree or be annoyed by what he said.

"I agree, whatever makes you feel comfortable baby" Oli turned his head to look back at Josh and nodded. He didn't expect Josh to be so supported and affectionate but he was glad he was.

"Thank you" Oli smiled at him and kissed him softly. He pulled away and Josh blushed. Oli pulled him down onto the bed and cuddled up to him. "Thank you for being so understanding, I love you" Oli whispered. Josh gave him a warm smile and nodded.

"I love you too, now get some sleep if you wanna have enough energy for tomorrow" Josh smiled mischievously and Oli smirked into his chest so he couldn't see. He had a lot planned for tomorrow, hopefully, Josh would be ok with it.

Oli yawned and closed his eyes. That night Oliver had one of the best nights ever, he fell asleep in the arms of his boyfriend. Hmm, boyfriend. I like that.


Josh yawned and snuggled up to the warm thing next to him. He opened his eyes to find Oli next to him with his face covered in his thick brown curly hair. Josh held in a chuckle and grinned. Fuck I'm so lucky, he is so precious and amazing. I wish I found him sooner. Josh sighed in content and kissed Oli's forehead. The boy smiled in his sleep and dug his face into the pillows.

Josh yawned again and pulled the blankets off himself. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stretched. He stood up and tried not to wake Oli as he walked to the bathroom.

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