You Will Learn To Love Me

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Literally, no one reads this-

Since I uploaded this chapter, I might not upload one at like 2 am tonight. Maybe-

Idk :/

Oli let out a cute yawn and shuffled around under the blankets. He sat up in the bed and stretched, yawning in the process. Oli blinked a few times to let his eyes adjust to the faint daylight shining in through the window and looked around the room. His eyes landed on Josh sitting on the window sill with his arm draped over his knee and a cigarette in the corner of his mouth. Oli couldn't stop himself from staring at Josh. He was so beautiful with everything he did. Josh lifted his hand up to the cigarette and took it out of his mouth. Oli was so caught up in staring at Josh in awe that he didn't realize Josh was staring right back at him.

"Hey," Josh said casually, he turned around and jumped off of the window sill and sauntered over to Oli. Josh sat down next to the hazel-eyed boy and took another drag of his cigarette. Oli's eyes landed on the cigarette and he flinched away when Josh sat down on the edge of the bed. Oli's hand subconsciously went to touch that cigarette burn on his collar bones and Josh gave him a frown. "Sorry" Josh leaned forward and stubbed out the cigarette on the ashtray. Oli visibly relaxed and pulled the blankets up to his chest.

Josh checked the time on the alarm clock and saw that it read at 7 pm. Since Oli spent most of the day sleeping he wouldn't be able to get back to sleep till late, so they had some time to kill.

"Do you mind if I ask you some questions" Josh cleared his throat and Oli nodded. "At the auction, who was the guy who caused a big scene? I want you to answer honestly" Josh already knew who Lee was but he just wanted to see what Oli knew.

"L-Lee Malia" Oli answered shakily. Josh nodded and turned to face Oli on the bed.

"And how do you know him?" Josh asked.

"H-He is my best f-friend and roommate back at home" Oli answered, he could feel himself starting to get emotional at the thought of his best friend, and how he betrayed him. 

"Oh, ok, and did you know he was going to be at the auction?" Josh asked softly, he could sense this was a sensitive topic for Oli. Oliver shook his head and played with the sleeves of his sweater. Josh nodded and ran a hand through his messy hair.

"Ok well, He is in Jordan's gang, he comes to the auctions once a month. I don't know him personally but from what I've heard he is a pretty chill guy. He isn't a full-time gang member from what it looks like" Josh sighed and Oli's eye widened. So he is in a gang, holy fuck-

"You didn't know that did you," Josh asked hesitantly. Oli shook his head and swallowed the lump in his throat. Having his suspicions confirmed just made everything more real. Josh decided to not tell Oli about Jordan and what he thought he might do to get him, he just didn't want to freak Oli out anymore. Oli choked back a sob and held his head in his hands.

"H-He kept that f-from me and d-didn't tell me a thing" Oli started sobbing and fell forward so he could hide his face in the blankets. Josh soothingly rubbed Oli's back and sighed.

"H-He could have saved me f-from all this if he just did s-something, b-but instead he just ran away" Oli choked out in between sobs. Josh pulled Oli onto his lap and wrapped his arms around the broken angel. Oliver bunched his hands up in Josh's shirt and cried his poor little heart out into Josh's chest.

"H-He left me, Josh, I s-should have listened to him w-when he said to be careful" Oli sobbed. Josh furrowed his eyebrows at Oli's comments but ignored it because the poor boy was emotional. Josh stayed silent as he let Oli cry, it pained him to see his angel in such a wreck but he had to let Oli get it all out.

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