You Wear Me Out

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Sorry, I haven't been updating as much as I used to, I've just been really busy but I will try to get back on track :)

I hope you enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment :)

Oliver's eyes widened and he felt his face start to heat up. He wouldn't mind Josh doing that to him but he wanted to take things slowly.

Josh couldn't help but get a little turned on at the thought of Oli tied up underneath him. He couldn't stop thinking about the muffled moans the boy would let out and the fact that Oli was completely at his mercy.

He knew Oli wouldn't be up for it right now because he was still getting over the past events and wanted to take things slow. He wanted to introduce Oli to new things that he would hopefully enjoy as much as Josh did.

"But I'm willing to take things slow for you, I want you to get comfortable before we try anything that might affect you," Josh said softly and Oli felt like his blush couldn't get any redder.

Josh released his grip on Oli's wrists and walked back to the bed casually like nothing had happened. Oli ran a hand through his hair and tried to comprehend what Josh had said to him. He had never been tied up and fucked before so that was something new-

He had never really thought about it before. The only time he had really thought about it was when the thought crossed his mind with Josh was marking him up in the closet. Shivers went down his spine and he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in.

Josh was like no one he had ever met before, no girls or guys could compete with Josh. No one could. Josh was Oli's one true love and he was grateful that Josh cared about his feelings and how things would affect him. Josh never wanted to push anything onto Oli and he always asked him for permission before he did something sexual.

He would have immediately said yes to what Josh had said but he was scared to be tied up again. Jordan had ruined it for him so if Josh wanted to try some things he would have to ease Oli into it. Oli gulped and sat back down next to Josh. He played with the hem of his hoodie and cleared his throat.

"I mean you could but it's kinda scary" Oli mumbled, Josh looked up at him and grinned.

"It's a good trust-building experience" Josh smiled. "Plus, you look really hot tied up" Josh smirked. Oli blushed again and Josh used his finger to lift up Oli's chin and smiled at him softly. Oli's breathing hitched and he felt his heart flutter.

"How about we try it out but take things slow, if you don't like it and don't feel comfortable then we will stop," Josh said softly. Oli smiled back at him and nodded. The hazel-eyed boy didn't mind trying new things. Josh leaned forward and kissed Oli softly.

He pulled back and smiled at the boy softly. Oli didn't know how Josh could change his whole demeanor so quickly. Oliver hoped that what Jordan did to him wouldn't affect his life with Josh anymore than it already had. Oli wasn't scared of Josh anymore because he knew the blue-eyed man loved him and wouldn't hurt him. They were on the same level now and were both equals.

Josh was just a little more dominant sometimes but Oli didn't mind. He loved it.

Josh pulled Oli onto his lap and sat back against the headboard. Oli snuggled against him and smiled to himself.

"I love you Josh" Oli sighed in content. Josh's heart exploded every time Oli said he loved him. It was Josh's favorite thing to hear besides Oli's moaning.

"I love you too baby" Josh kissed the boy's forehead and wrapped his arms around him safely. He was more than glad that Oli had agreed to lead with him and try new things. He would make an amazing leader. Josh wasn't going to force Oli to participate or be responsible for the auction if he didn't want to. He was never going to push anything onto Oli if he didn't want it. If Oli wanted things to stop then Josh would immediately.

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